Nanbaka Warden Kazaki Kokorunabi

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name pronunciation: kah-zah-key koh-koh-roo-nah-bee
gender: female
age: 25
title: 'the small but brutally honest owl'
current occupation: warden of building 13 in the female prison
old occupation(s): military warden, professional air cadet
associations: Kokorunabi family ties with her aunt and an older sister (deceased), the wardens of Nanbu prison, the wardens of her own prison, Samon Gokuu

•persona - strict, glasses, decently 'average height' (short), but she excels in her agility and strength, successfully apprehending attempted escapees. brutal honesty is no stranger to her. seriously.
•appearance - she has shoulder-height aegen blue hair thats cut slanted down and would often have two tufts of hair that goes upwards like an owl's and orange eyes alike an owl, her skin is a normal pale tone expected of her Japanese lineage. She has a decent sized chest and a decent butt size too, though her figure is quite petite, she is quite skilled and despite lacking in physical strength, makes up for it in her stamina and midair fighting skills. On the bottom of her shoes are sharp light-weight metal alloys that act similar to talons. Her other weapon also resides in claw-like gauntlets she would wear on her left hand, but she would often tie these around her waist, needing her hands for carrying paperwork and etc. Her body is still quite scarred from old bruises and previous beatings. Her height is 5'2".

•She was trained, taught and disciplined for her military duties. She wasn't taught emotion or much compassion, but she endures it because it's her duty.

•Upon a visit to the Nanbu prison, as one of the most trusted women by Shin (also the right-hand warden to Shin), she meets Samon. He recognises her and greets her with respect, though she dismisses it by saying she wasn't someone worthy of that respect, saying he should do that to higher-ups and he didn't have to be so uptight around her. Samon says it wasn't his business but he asks to why she thought she wasn't important, despite being the warden for building 13. He also says that she was chosen out of many others to run one of the buildings, meaning she must be important. Kazaki stays silent for a moment, she says he was right but she was the weakest link, though she kept her building running she had too many close calls with escapees. She says it's her duty to keep them in jail, and nothing more. She asks him if he could lead her to the other wardens, she wasn't sure of the meeting point. Samon is reminded of the meeting and in grabbing her hand, he takes her there by running and he apologises about forgetting. In letting go, he apologises to the head warden saying it was his fault they were late as he had forgotten the meeting and stalled warden Kazaki.

The head wardens dismiss it and Shin goes to greet Kazaki but she holds up a hand and asks politely for him not to get within a metre's radius to her as his behaviour was exceptionally flirtatious, reminding him of his past attempts. To every warden's surprise, Shin backs off and even telling her to 'relax', saying that for someone so short, she was very bold to be so straightforward. Kazaki politely replies in a respectful tone that she was of an average height expected of a Japanese female and that they should continue their previous discussion and not prioritise any other trivial matters.

Samon finds himself enraptured by Kanzaki's elegance, politeness despite her brutal honesty, she seemed like a decent person. She didn't seem so over-the-top excessive like most of the other female wardens he met. He even believed he might have had a small crush on her. Whenever she'd visit Nanbu prison, he'd always try talk to her and she always responded (Shin finds this intriguing as whenever he or other wardens tried strike a conversation with Kazaki, she's always ignoring them or having simple small talk and then going off their own way, but with Samon, she has longer talks and even talking about 'trivial' matters). This definitely doesn't go unnoticed by the other wardens at Nanbu prison, most of them caught onto Samon's crush on the warden.

•Hajime is the first to notice him always awaiting her visits, even writing letters, eventually sneaking up behind him to take said-letter from him to read it aloud.
"Kokorunabi Kazaki, Nanbuki prison building 13 guard,

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