Chapter 3- "Kill me if you can"

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A month passed by and the atmosphere in the studio became bearable. They were still intolerable but in desperate times, this was the only solution to help me. I keep on reminding myself that in six more months I will be leaving this place so whether I like it or not, I just have to bear with it. At least I have a place to sleep right? rather than being homeless. Damn I need to learn how to be thankful.

Just when I thought things were getting better, Jaeho hyung's passing remarks became more hurtful and his intention of hitting on Jieun. In the workplace, he keep on mentioning how lucky was I get to have understanding girlfriend, how pretty she was and will get mad at me if i told him off. He also mentioned to others that I was having a tough life as I am living in a cheap apartment. With my teeth gritted, I held back for hitting my boss. If he wasn't my boss or my old friend, I would beat the shit out of him. No i will beat him till he bleed to death that's how angry I was and trust me, I'm not the guy who is violence.

I had earlier transferred $500 of savings to my mother so now he couldn't move out earlier than he had planned. Hence, I continued to work under the man silently as I have no other choice.

Things got worse each day during my stay in Eden Studio. I felt like I was being watched when I walked down the corridors, in the kitchen, in the shower and it freaked me out. Maybe I was just imagining again but it felt too real to ignore. I prayed for the days to go by really fast.


My stomach growling as I didn't eat for the whole day so I decided to head down to the kitchen and cook some ramen with egg, as I was boiling the noodles I saw the guy from unit 301 standing at the kitchen entrance, eyeing me from top to bottom.

"What you staring at, pervert?" I asked, turning my body to face him. I had enough of him at this point and ready to throw hands as this guy has been getting on my nerves. "Get the fuck away or I'll beat the shit out of you"

"Tell me to kill you."


"Tell me to kill you and I will do it in a heartbeat!" 301 shouted at me, and something in me snapped as I walk towards him and grab his shirt aggressively.

"Kill me if you can! I fucking dare you, you piece of shit!" I shouted back in his face, I was going to beat the living daylights out of him.

However before things could escalate into the direction I wished, Moon-Jo stepped into the kitchen.


The pervert had shrivelled from fear and had taken couple of steps back. I was confused and wondered why the pervert and everyone else in the apartment seems to be afaird of him and I didn't even realized that 301 had quietly left.

"Sorry about that" he smiled.

"It's not your fault, why are you apologising" I said, before added in "why do that guy seems to be afraid of you?"

"I think you overcooked the noodles"

"Shit!" I quickly switch off the gas and pour the ramen inside a bowl. I turned around and Moon-Jo stood behind me, smiling and standing so near that I could see every features of his face. I felt like my cheeks turn red for a moment.

"Can I join you?" No!

"S-Sure, why not" he looked at me for a few more seconds which feel like an hour to me before sitting in a opposite side. Why does he need to stand so near just to tell me that? weirdo.

"How was work?" Moon-Jo asked while taking a sip from the beer can,

"Well, it was boring..."

"I can tell" what is he? a psychic or something?

I nod and eat in silence as I just wanted to eat in peace and went back to sleep.

"Don't stress too much, jagiya. I don't like seeing you like this"

"Why you keep calling me that?" I asked in frustration as I slam down my chopstick on the table but that doesn't seem startle him one bit, instead his smile grew bigger.

"Why not?"

"Do you like me or something?"

"Well wouldn't you like to find out?"

He's not gay right? besides I have a girlfriend. He was probably just messing around, yep that was it.

"Can I have some?" Moon-Jo suddenly asked and I quickly offered him some.

After chatting for awhile with him accompany me eating, he then offered o wash the dish for me which I politely decline at first but he insist to help so I let him. Maybe he wasn't so bad after all.

"Seo Moonjo-ssi?"


"Why do you live here? I mean you are rich and-" I watched as he paused a second in washing the bowl. "I mean you don't have to answer if you're not comfor-"

"I wasn't expecting to be here either."

"What happened?"

"Something unexpected" he chuckled before added in "it's only a matter of time, before we leave this place"

"What do you mean?"

"I'm done washing plate, I'm going to sleep now. See you tommorow."

Well okay that was weird.


When you watched the drama, which one the characters creeped u out the most?

As for me, I think it was the stuttering twin! HAHAHAHAHA if I saw his character in real life I would freak out because he's so damn creepy omg~

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