Chapter 8 - Attraction

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For the last two days, I've been hiding and avoiding Moon-Jo because of the drunk incident. I was embarrased of myself and I still couldn't get over the fact that I asked him if he was into me. I'm not sure if he really likes me or was just playing around, either way he is being too friendly to me which I'm not complaining to be honest.

I admit, Moon-Jo is a good listener and I won't forget the day where he speak up for me in the restaurant, not even Jieun, my girlfriend of 5 years did that for me.

I'm truly touched by his act of caring towards me and I don't think I can ever repay his kindness.

Sometimes I can't help but wonder, how can someone look creepy and handsome at the same time?

I know, I'm not supposed to feel this way about someone, especially when that person is a guy. Was it because he compliments me a lot? or is attention that I'm craving for?

"You should be careful."

I jumped, startled. "What the hell!"

It was the non-stuttering twin.

I only got a murderous glare in return.

"What did you say? Why should I be careful? " I raised my voice, it's early in the morning and I just wanted to drink some water but this guy had to come here and test my patience.

"Is there something fun going on here?" the stuttering twin join in, smiling at me as he scratch his back with a hanger. What a weirdo.

"Shut up, you lunatic."

"d-did you just call me a lunatic!?"
the stuttering twin shouted at me in anger and was about to run towards me but the twin brother quickly step in and approach me instead. I'm guessing he was protective of his brother and didn't like the way I talking to him.

"What? I'm not scared of you either"
I said feeling annoyed.

Out of nowhere, Moon-Jo appeared from the back, he glare at the non-stuttering twin brother before entering the kitchen, the look of non-stuttering twin face changes from intimidating to looking extremely frightened.

"Are you ready?" Moon-Jo asked me while grabbing a water bottle from the fridge.


"Talking. I guess you forget about it again. I don't think it's going to end by yelling at each other like this. Do you mind if unit 303 and I have a talk?"

Moon-Jo said, slightly smile at them before turning his body to face me.

The non-stuttering twin brother gave us a confused look. Probably didn't expect to see Moon-Jo to be talking comfortably with me.

"Let's stop now, it's not fun anymore. Everyone is just getting frustrated now." The non-stuttering twin said nervously as he scratch his head.

Huh? What they talking about?

Moon-Jo looking at me which I assume to read my expression which he could probably tell that I was confused and had no idea what is going on right now.

Moon-Jo then quickly turn around to face the non-stuttering twin.

"Ajussi, You keep talking weird. That's why unit 303 keeps getting creeped out." Moon-Jo said calmly.

"I think you're the weird one here" the non-stuttering twin quickly answered back.

Moon-Jo stares at the non-stuttering twin as he walk slowly towards him, still maintaning eye contact with him as he drink the water that he took earlier from the fridge. At this point, the non-stuttering twin is shivering in fear.

"I smiled and spoke to you nicely. Do you think I'm a joke?" Moon Jo said in a much lower tone and continued to stare at him in a threatening way before added in "What? Do you want to fight me?"

The non-stuttering twin was shaking in fear and wasn't even looking Moon-Jo in the eye. I could tell that he was indeed terrified of the man standing in infront of him. No, everyone in the studio is afraid of him and I still didn't know why.

I know, he can be creepy and intimidating at times but for everyone here in the studio, including the landlady to be extremely scared of him is very alarming. Is he a gang leader?

"P-Please d-do not be mad. Smile bring happiness. Let's all smile!" the stuttering twin said, trying to calm the situation down

"Apologize to him, now" he said to his brother.

"Sorry I was just bored"

The non-stuttering twin said, bowing to moon-Jo to show respect. After that he quickly drag his twin brother along to join him before walking away from the kitchen.

"Shall we go to the terrance and talk?" Moon-Jo asked, I nod quickly and follow him as he lead the way.


"It's not as hot today, isn't it?"

Moon Jo said, trying to break the silence as we've been awkwardly standing here for about 5 minutes now.

"What do you want to say to me?"

Moon-Jo looked hurt when I said that, he could tell that I didn't want to engaged in any conversations with him. Damn, I feel guilty now. This guy is really driving me crazy.

"Ah... Nothing, really. I just wanted to break the fight since everyone seemed upset. But why were you arguing with them back then?"

"That man told me to be careful."

"Mmm I see, that man is weird isn't it?"

Well no shit.

"Are you in a gang?" I couldn't help but ask as I was really curious.

"What?" He chuckled.

"I mean.. Are you a gang leader? Is that why everyone here is so scared of you?"

"I am a one-man show" Moon-Jo grinning and I whacked at him on the chest.

I think I'm started to get a little bit comfortable with him.

Suddenly I received a text message from Jieun saying that she wants to meet me tonight.

"Jagi, are you free tonight? let's hang out and drink some beer?"

"Oh I'm actually meeting my girlfriend tonight. Maybe some other day?" I suggested.

"Sure, there's no rush. But you're not going to ignore me again, right?" He asked, teasing me.

I just smiled and nod.

I was about to walk away but he grabbed my hand.

"But that was better."


"It's better to say what you want and act how'd you like... Rather than bottling it all between yourself. It's more human, don't you think?"

I look at him in confusion.

"I'm heading down first, see you around." He winked at me before walking away.

I couldn't stop smiling after that.

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