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I drove to Frank's apartment that weekend.

I couldn't stand being in my house for another minute. I was fed up.

I walked up the stairs after being buzzed in, then knocked on his door. A woman I'd never met before opened the door. "Hi?"

"Who are you?" I asked.

"Um, Jamia. Are you looking for Frank?"

I nodded.

"Okay, uh, come on in. He's finishing giving his dog a bath."

I smiled softly.

Frank came out of his bathroom with Sweet Pea wrapped in a towel in his arms, cooing at her sweetly. He looked up and saw me. "Gee!"

"Hi." I smiled.

He walked over and kissed me. "What are you doing here?"

"I came to see you," I said quietly. "Uh, I can leave if I came at a bad time-"

"No, no, it's okay. Um, I should introduce you two. Gerard, this is Jamia, one of my friends from college, and Jamia, this is Gerard, my boyfriend."

I was a tiny bit suspicious of Jamia. She seemed like Frank's type.

"Nice to meet you." She smiled. "Sorry about the whole, uh, answering the door and confusing you thing."

I shook my head. "It's fine. The man's gotta wash his dog."

"You don't even know," Frank said. "She had a run in with a skunk. I febrezed this whole place."

"You can smell the chemicals." Jamia inhaled and coughed. "It's delightful."

"It's either that or Sweet Pea," Frank shot back. "Okay, so, I'm definitely holding you back from studying. You are passing that goddamn exam, Jams. Go study."

Jamia rolled her eyes. "You sound exactly like my mother."

I smiled.

"But I will go because if I don't pass this exam I have to take another year of college and I am not down for that," she said, opening the door. "Enjoy your time. Use protection."

I blushed. She closed the door with a final wink at Frank.

"So, that was Jamia," he said, putting Sweet Pea down. "Sorry about that last comment."

"Well." I wrapped my arms around his neck. "You know I'm always down for–what's that smell?"

He smiled. "Wet dog. Still down for it?"

I wrinkled my nose and stepped away. "More febreze."

"You could join me in the shower."

I kind of perked up at that.



"Oh god! Don't stop!" I bit down on Frank's shoulder.

He rammed his fingers into me faster, knuckle deep. "You like that, huh, you little slut?"

"Yeah, yeah, don't stop..." I rutted my hips down, throwing my head back and getting hit in the face with water from the showerhead. "Frankie, fuck!"

He stopped thrusting his fingers, rubbing them harshly over my prostate. I bucked my hips, squeezing my eyes shut.

"You're a little whore for this," he whispered, circling his fingers. "Doing so good for me, dove."

I cried out. "Frank!"

"Aww, you wanna come?" He sucked a mark into my neck. "Not yet."

"Frankie," I moaned. "Frankie Frankie Frankieee!"

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