Act II, Scene 2

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The midnight streets of New York are crowded with tourists, smog, and hope. You breathe in the polluted air and buy a slice of $2 from Joe's Pizza. The pizza is good. Vegetarian. But not as good as what is about to take place...

Emerging from the steam of a manhole is a dark figure, oddly shaped, waving through the window. He's tap, tap, tapping on the glass. A long, black rope billows behind the figure from under an oversized blue polo, his arm is broken? It's not even a cast. It's toilet paper. The nearly-finished cardboard tube dangles in the breeze. As he steps closer, his mask glints in the city lights. It's Tony-Award Winner, Ben Platt. You step outside to meet him.

"Your face is more magaziney in person." you say.

"I got plastic surgery," says 'Ben'. "I heard you're looking for a lawyer."

"How did you, Tony-Award Winner 'Ben Platt', know?"

"Even when the dark comes crashing through, when you need a friend to carry you... And when you're broken on the ground, you will find a lawyer."

"I can't find a lawyer."

"This is the point of no return."


"I mean... Sincerely me?"

"Thank you, 'Ben Platt'."

"Go to the courthouse. He will be waiting. Room 5 is the room where it happens. You can get divorced from Hamilton."

"Thank you... 'Ben Platt.'"

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