The Meeting of Souls

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Months went by and my feelings were buried deep down. Rita, Rosy, Jean, and I were closer than ever. We hanged out all day, at least Rosy and I did. Rita had other arrangements, but as soon as she was done she would meet up with us. We were like the three musketeers unbreakable. We trusted each other in way brothers don't. Jean was at another college but still was connected to us and visited whenever he could.

As days went by... I started having second thoughts about Rita. Looking at her everyday shining the way she does, my feelings couldn't help but surface again. I had no clue what to do.

Until one day after thinking so much about it, I confessed to Rosy and said:
"Rosy I have to tell you something..."
Rosy said:
"What is it! Tell me!"
I sighed and said:
"Rosy... I really like Rita"
Rosy was so excited that her smile extended from her left ear to her right ear! I failed to understand her smile so I asked her:
"what's that all about?"
She then said in a low voice:
"Rita likes you too..."
I then smiled myself and didn't say a word.

I went home and called Rita as usual, we talked and talked until I couldn't but confess to her how I felt. Suddenly Rita was silent, then slowly comes out the sweetest voice you can her and said: "I like you too"I could tell from the way she spoke that her cheeks were as red as a rose.

The next day I woke up with a strange feeling. That feeling was happiness. To me happiness was like a myth or a legend! I've heard about it but never have I experienced it myself. I then saw Rita. We sat down and started talking normally! Rita and I had a special bond between us, we were never embarrassed to open up to each other. We were transparent; we hid nothing from one another.

As the days went by, some people didn't like the idea that Rita and I like one another! So they tried to sabotage the relationship. But that didn't stop us from enjoying the company of one another. So we went on a first date.

It was a weird day; started out with sadness resulting from problems some created to ruin our day, and ended in the sweetest way ever! For me I wanted to kiss Rita ever since I met her. Her lips were one a kind, I have never seen such attractive plump lips before! So in the last part of our date we were in my car, I was so anxious to kiss her! We were sitting next to each other talking and looking at one another. At the moment all I could think of was kissing her. How could I think of something else...? She was gorgeous, so cute and so elegant wearing a pink woolly sweater. She didn't even need any make up, her beauty was natural!

She looked at me with a smile that showed her dimples and her eyes wide open, at this moment I couldn't control myself any longer so I went for it! I have kissed before, but it was nothing like kissing Rita, I felt stuff I couldn't explain. We connected through that kiss. People say a kiss can tell whether your feelings are real or not. They say that souls meet during a profound kiss that you feel the love flowing through your lips...

For me that was what I felt when I kissed her. And I was sure the feeling was mutual, because that long passionate kiss got us both breathless.

The date was over, so i took Rita home parked the car, kissed her, and said goodbye. Looking at her walking home, right there, I knew I have found my special person...

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