Twist of Events

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Things were going great between Rita and I ever since the kiss. For once I thought that the world was treating me the way I deserve. I had the perfect girl, my grades were high, and work was never better. I was happy!

But things don't always go the way you want them to...

Another week started; As usual we meet at the college cafeteria. Rita, Rosy, and I enjoy a nice lunch and we chat for a while. And here is when things went down the hill...

The people I spoke about, that didn't want us to be together, saw us all three sitting together and happy. They didn't like what they saw, so they started to act against us. Soon enough the word spread between our friends and everybody wanted to chip in.

The next day came and I wasn't feeling so good so I decided not to go to college. Rita and Rosy went. These so called "friends" took advantage of me not showing up and all of them went and gathered around Rita as if she was a prey. They started yelling and lecturing her that she is making a mistake, that I am a bad person that I am using her, and the list goes on...

There was a simple solution to this situation. It was that Rita simply says:
"Everyone... Shut up! It's none of your damn business..." 
But Rita was a sensitive person, and was under a lot of pressure so she didn't say anything... They kept on talking, talking, and talking until Rita started crying. They said things so demeaning, so hurtful, and so disrespectful about me that no decent human being could process.

The day ended, and everyone went home. Rita couldn't stop thinking about the things they said about me. She had two options in front of her:
The hard one is to disregard what they have said and stay by my side!
The easy one is to believe their accusation on my behalf and leave me!

Rita chose the easy way out!
She left me...

I knew my happiness wouldn't last. For it was too good to be true. In one week I have mustered enough courage to confess to Rita I had feelings for her, go out with her, kiss her, become the happiest I have ever been, and in the end get heartbroken! Imagine how I felt... I lost a girl that I actually cared about, and had rumors going around collage that I am a deceitful person.

Somehow deep down inside me I wanted to thank Rita for the what she did, for I wasn't entirely sure of my feelings towards her. I wasn't sure if she was the one for me! By not trusting and leaving me, Rita helped me make up my mind about my feelings. I am sure now that my feelings weren't as deep as I thought they were that I was merely fooled by my own heart.

I didn't want to speak to Rita again. But I was not a man that holds a grudge against anyone. So later on I decided to forgive her. After all she was my best friend. So as time went by our friendship was back on good terms. Things were getting better and better, until the day came and I found out that someone was intending to ask Rita out on a date...

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