Chapter 17- a death

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It's been a few months since the war was won, Naruto was in hospital as Tsunade checked over his arm, Sasuke was next, stood next to him were two guards this was part of the deal until a decision was made by the hokage. The decision will be made in the next few weeks until then he is to remain under in a cell blind folded.

Sasuke was given a prosthetic arm as well, with much persuasion thanks to Sakura, Naruto remained silent while they were both being checked over, "will you two stop with solemn looks" Tsunade said in a huff when Naruto finally spoke up "but Mai, Hikari and Chi-sensei they're"

"Still missing" Sasuke finished his sentence through gritted teeth, Sakura looked outside the window, "what do you think happened, I remember them at the war, but their bodies weren't recovered" Sakura spoke carefully not trying to anger or worry anyone as the room fell into a tense atmosphere when Kakashi entered.

"You're a free man Sasuke" he announced Sakura was shocked at the sudden burst, Kakashi untied the blindfold and dismissed the guards. "what but. How?" Kakashi just nodded slightly and smiled. "well one thing I'm Hokage so I mentioned a few things, also you helped during the war. And a letter came as a statement in your defence" he said looking to them all.

"From whom?" Naruto asked Kakashi gave a sigh as he knew the scent from the paper, while the others recognised the handwriting "Chi-sensei!" they all shouted at the same time. Kakashi nodded, but in the letter, there was nothing about how they were, where they were or what they were doing. But the letter was dated before the war.

"The date" Sasuke said in shock

"she knew?" Sakura

"Not the only one, look the others signed it" Naruto said pointing at the signatures. "... we have to find them they'll be labelled something they're not it could all go wrong in seconds if we don-"

"Naruto!" Tsunade's voice rang in the room, even Kakashi's face was showing what she was about to voice, "you can't do anything" she said.

"Kakashi-sensei we have to do-" Naruto looked to him for some sort of support only to be met with a cold and dead expression "no, they left the village with no warning, no agreed length of time, and no permission was granted. This means that they are-"

"Don't say it" Sasuke said in a low growl

"Please Kakashi-sensei. They may need our help" Sakura spoke harshly, Kakashi looked at them and shook his head "if you disobey my order's I will have you put under suspension and put in a cell. That is all" with that Kakashi left quickly, just outside was Gai waiting for him.

"You can't mean that Kakashi? She was the woman you loved" he said looking at him in uncertain manner, "she. She left no note, no message no nothing. In don't know what she's doing but..." Gai looked at him.

"Trust her" was all he said Gai patted his shoulder as he walked off. When a man he never met walked past him with Hinata by his side "thank you for showing me around, you wouldn't mind if I treated you to a drink at the café would you?" He asked Hinata nodded and agreed as he took her hand in his arm. Kakashi knew immediately something wasn't right. Just as he was about to follow an ANBU appeared "sir" he said

"ah... yes?"

"There's been a sighting in Suna and... a killing. But. Is there something wrong?" he asked noticing something was wrong Kakashi immediately nodded "yes please follow those two and tell me what is said and done, where they go and what is seen" he ordered. Kakashi had an awful feeling.

Kakashi went back went into the room where Naruto, Sasuke and Sakura he noticed Sai was there as well, "brilliant, I need you to go to Suna, see what's happened and report back to me, take as long as needed and nothing more." Kakashi said with that he was out of the room.

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