Chapter 6- 3 Years Home, Taken

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The Akatsuki were in the cave talking about their next mission, it had been the first time in a long time that all of them were present, they all knew who they were meant to target next. 

"Remember, this need to be done without any problems" Pein said when he looked over to the entrance, the huge boulder that was placed there to prevent anyone coming in, plus charm to stop people from entering had been put in place.

"Something isn't right" Konan said looking in the same direction. Tobi looked as well, "what yah looking at?" he said in his fun voice Itachi just watched in silence, they all did. There was an unsettling feeling in the air. When all of a sudden, the cave started to shake "is someone trying to break in?" Hidan asked "haha the bastard isn't going to get in" he laughed.

"But I already am" a voice said behind him stood behind him was a masked woman, Chika.

"I am looking for something, I won't be bothering you, all I know is that's in this cave" she said looking around the cave Chika wondered around looking at the ceiling then at the floor before she stood in the centre. When Kakuzu placed a kunai on her throat "what makes you think we're going to let you just walk out alive?"

Chika chuckled when she whistled, Kakuzu was thrown back, "because I was being nice" she carried on looking around when spotted a symbol on the floor. "there" she walked over, dropping to her hands and knees brushing the dust and rocks away cleaning to view the symbol better. Reaching into her pouch she got a scroll and some chalk and started to trace the symbol. "Just activate it wouldn't you want to see what happens?" the voice whispered in her head.

Her hands froze. She shook her head, when all of a sudden her nose started bleeding, her heart started to race, she moved herself away from the symbol Tobi watched when Deidara spoke up "the hell is that crazy bitch doing hn" he said "that's not art" he said in disgust. A gust of wind rush past them, making her shirt raise a little revealing her seal. "oi" Deidara nodded to Tobi who just stared at her, "shes a jinchuriki" Kisame smiled as he over heard Deidara say this.

But the symbol on the floor started to shine, they all watched in amazement when a noise started to come from the floor, "the hell is that?" a thousand voices were all sounding at once the symbol rose from the floor, it spat out a vision of three men laughing with blood on their hands, it then showed several peaceful worlds of beautiful fields and cities that were then engulfed with flames. Chika watched tears streaming down her face. The Akatsuki were watching in silence, as they watched the vision; the next few images were horrific, Chika saw Mai in chains as she saw her turn into a beast and the chains dig into the skin the chains turn into ice, a clock face appeared and started to tick, the ice became the glass that encased the numbers, and the arms, with each tick the demon grew powerful sending a blue shock wave into the sky as it went up it spread outwards like a cloak around the atmosphere as it did people started to fall clutching their heads, pushing their loved ones away.

Chika then saw herself wrapped in chains and watched as wings burst out her back, and chakra exploded out of her body encasing her in a ball, and then turning into a dragon surrounded by lightening and shadow, flowers and grass growing at its feet.
As it roared people dropped to the ground as their souls left their body's and into the demons mouth. The demon then let out fire and lightening and flapped it wings with thunder sounding with each flap.
Worlds started to lose light, flowers lost their colour, people were losing hope, attacking each other and dying. But the demon was chained. The three men pulled on the chains that kept it in place, making it harder for it to escape, the chains digging into its beautiful scales.

It's lightening, light, shadow and nature was creating the clocks mechanics. At the bottom of the clock was a jade sand timer, inside it was Hikari her eyes were golden and shining like she was in a trance, her body was glowing there was a light that she was holding close to her chest., the ivy was wrapping around the it and the three men; Aiden, Carter and Hibiki were grinning and smiling covered in blood as they watched. The vision had ended but it had shown so quickly. Chika's mask was still on, "what a show" Hidan said, Tobi was clapping loudly "can we see it again" at that point, Chika slammed him into a rock, no one had seen it coming not even him.

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