charaoke night

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wow these are old prompts lmao ))

There were eyes in the walls of Judgement Hall.
And looking back at them now, he realized, that maybe they were there for all the right reasons. Judgment was even keeping scores with him, as creepy as it was to admit. But Sans didn't waste holding his breath as much as he should.
This was nothing more than a matter of cause and effect the way he thought of it as; the human would come, he would do what he has to, the human would leave. Then come back again depending on how cocky they plan on being. Which is very - if killing an entire species including dissing their own is what's on their agenda.
Sans took it upon himself to stretch while no one was looking, or while no one was around. Balls of his bony feet planked, and knuckles cracked ahead of time. He checked his watch, the fake one scribbled somewhere into his bony wrist reading half past ten, he had everything completely covered.
When a pitter-pattering not too far off rose his chin to listen. Sans remembered how the door to Judgement Hall is always firmly shut, and now look how quickly it's being pushed open. He didn't spare a thought though on who could've been coming his way as much as he should have either.

A sick thought suggested this being one of the monsters still alive crawling in through to talk to Asgore.

Then, the Human strolled in.

And another sick thought arrived, guaranteeing Sans was going to enjoy pinching and scorching at their skin, and maybe even keep a few of their teeth with every time they would come back. And throw those teeth away at their unmoving corpse if maybe he could
okay stop.
Sans left decisions of that sort up for auction later. Bad time (™) could wait.
He went on and started the speech he's been writing ever since Papyrus died.
"Hey. Guess you've been busy, huh-"
"They're funeral invitations, in case you want to come. You know, since everyone's as good as dead right now."
Sans honestly had no idea if he should stop smiling or break their hands. But neither seemed satisfying enough.
"Is this a joke?" he asked. The Human didn't seem to recognize their faults, so Sans pressed on.
"You killed my friends, my family, you're throwing everyone into panic - whoever's still alive anyway - and now you want to hold a party with us? Just imagine your god damned parents hearing this, what would they think?"
The Human rose a finger to clear up the fact that they killed their mother to begin with, and two, are on their way to the King, aka Dad whom is probably on the list of the massacred too. Sans was informed of this, and was looking too horrified to say anything back.
"You monster." he finally spat under his breath.
"Same to you."
Then the Human hid some knife and clapped their hands together to move on.
"My name is Chara, I usually don't introduce myself to anyone but since you're here it would be my pleasure."
Chara paused afterwards, leaning in with her red eyes sticking out and patient for once - she looked to be waiting for something.
Sans sighed. "I'm Sans."
"Good! Now, that we have that out of the way, how about we start dancing?"
"But - my dialogue!" he whined.
"Oh shush up, we got a fight to start." Chara practically whooped. She entered limbo with a radio, pressing its buttons before looking over the four given in the battle (Fight, Item, Act, and Mercy).
And lo and behold, sound came through. Sans could practically taste the rich old days of Nat King Cole in simple instruments and strings.
. . .
He didn't like where this was going to be honest; and yet the radio pursues to start the lyrics with a crackle.

L - is for the way you look at me

Chara was shot a dirty look from San.

O- is for the only one I see

V! - is very, very, extraordinary

Chara remained unaffected, and instead threw him a kiss with her hand and the air around them to carry it across, Sans wasn't sure how to handle this much disgust.

E - is even more than anyone that you adore
"LOVE!" she suddenly cries out, singing. Her foot the metronome and knife suddenly unsheathed from out of nowhere. In under a minute's notice she begins swinging systematically, aiming a little less carelessly here and there, then more toward her target as the song progresses.
"Is all that I can give to you!"

Another close shot already and Sans had forced himself to crash into one of the pillars to avoid Chara.
"STOP KILLING MY FRIENDS, CHARA!" he croaks. Chara shrugs and keep on singing.
"Love, is more than just a game for two."

She then has the greatest idea to come up to Sans as he's proving it hard to get back up on his feet and trace a cold finger down his face and features. Her reaction was a silent, burning BOI in his eyes.

Two in love can make it.

and one wildfire of a blush.

"Oh, take my heart and please don't break it."


"Love, was made for me and you!"

Then Chara stared down the fragile thing she'd been fighting as the trumpet solo took place, twirling her knife around her fingers.

When Sans noticed she was at her most vulnerable, he snuck a hand by his thigh and - palm raised to the ceiling - materialized rows of bones to surround Chara perfectly into a cage. With every bone being blue, much to the killer's dismay.
By the time King Cole came back Sans had already stuck an ectoplasmic tongue out to have it sting Chara's poor, nonexistent heart. Then surprisingly, Sans was the one to keep up the karaoke contest. Summoning another bone to act as a sucky microphone.
"L - is for the way you look at me. O - is for the only onnneee I see. vvvv is very, very, EXtroardinary. E - is even more than anyone that you adore! -"

Sans quickly struck a pose before continuing, a hand clutching his microphone like an embarrassing rag doll he'd probably use to dance with alone and another hand cast away to the floor; his eye sockets snapped shut now.

"can LOVE! Is alll that I can giiiiive to youuu! Love! Is more than just a gaaame for two."

In the meanwhile, Chara was biting and kicking her way out of this stupid zone of bones, watching Sans hold up two skelly fingers then point to the both of them for the song (she assumed).

"Two in love can make it! Take my heart and pleeease don't break it! And love, was made for me and you!"

Her operation was quick to footwork her way out of there, and just as the next line was about to be sung, Chara threw an arm onto his shoulder (Sans continued, too much in a singing stupor to really care).

"Love, was a made for me and you!" they sang, and once more with a shout, "Love! Was a made for mEE AnD YOUUUUU!"

And they left it at that, letting the instruments wrap it up with a crash. While Sans slid down the hall on one knee, Chara followed suit. Catching up to him as quietly as her feet allowed her to. She bent down, kissed the back of his skull and stuck an arm up over the two of them, then swung it down as hard as she could on him, all for the sake of more L.O.V.E.

Her wish summed up enough pressure to crack the skull and dull her knife. Sans toppled to the floor writhing in unimaginable pain for a few seconds, and subject to listening for the sickening tune of his health being chipped away to none. He couldn't even bleed.
"Love," Chara sing-sang to the side of his head, "was made for only
And then she left him unblinking; leaving Judgement Hall shuffling her feet sunnily away and have Sans disappear to meet Papyrus - just like he had always wanted.

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