what goes on in the void stays in the void

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it's hard to say blue and error are friends but when trouble calls they're seamless partners. except i didn't finish writing it and cock-tease the rest of it here

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Swap, lead on by his Kingship Error are called to a scouting mission to degrade whatever social parade Lust carries himself with in his 'club' meetings. And until they can be assured the party has been crashed, Error isn't taking Blue back to his void prison.

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Blue slips, and picks up on a book pertaining theoretical science after throwing his head away from the respective pile. His arm rests are science books. He scopes from under the masses, and so Toriel help him, even Error's leg prop-up was a pile of books. For as much time as the AntiVoid could provide him for - given it didn't conceptualize any - Error defended his knack of self by pushing jokes to an unrecoverable level. First time he asked the question of 'where', Error pounded a science novel propped from the base of his foot to remind himself what the Cosmological Principle was. Only for Error to relay his studies in an hour-long lecturing session.

Maybe he spent hours listening. To whose advantage Blue could answer to but, already felt a part of him physically dying (besides his back). He just didn't feel the need to ask anymore, not since Error can handle uplifting the conversation on his own. It's gets him thinking that Error really likes talking to his own mirror image.

"- a sort of supercomputer, instituted by a sect of Dyson spheres that harness the energy of an entire star." Error looks up from the texts to continue," You know what stars look like, right, Blue?"

Blue waited on his own telling of something clever, and said, "No."

He interrupted Error for once in the middle of a punctuated breath.

"And do you? I'm pretty sure Ink was the first to show them around to you since you're so excited about them." He laughed behind his hand, more frequently the more Error's cheeks became parallel to mimosa trees. When Blue points out the resemblance, Error effectively threatens to stick his hand in a portal and lunge textbooks at him like heavy-duty darts. He dismisses the idea until Error really does call for a bust in the code and starts feeling around for anything dangerous.

Blue holds a defensive position.

"No, wait! I'm kidding! Kidding!"

"Error, please!" he said, but kept laughing like the case of giggles could only get worse for him.

Error doesn't think he fits the mood for a fists-out type of lesson, so finds another textbook instead. He turns to its spine and considers the many other books under his custody, then throws it out in exchange for a cushion.

For a while, they dropped on discussion of the becoming nebulas and physics theorems to talk. Just talk on whatever comes to them at the time. It was until Error insisted watching "Back to the Sin Shack" that Lust happens to be the topic of interest. Error doesn't push himself to stop Blue from finally reveling in his own hate for once. And he can see why this came to be a good thing.

"Lust, you mean. As in the anomaly."

Blue hangs his head in the meek attempt to nod.

"Sure is. Ink didn't make him did he?"

"Ink has nothing to do with this," he said, "If anything, Ink has to be careful not to visit more than once a month. Or until he recognizes an outside force willing to challenge them."

Then more to himself he whispers, "I just doubt he can hold back sometimes.."

"Hold back on what? You're the bottom half of the balance, remember?"

"I'm not saying he destroys it or anything!"

When Blue turns the scene over its head for answers, he doesn't get why Error is moved enough to hysteria like he is. Until he has to wring the scarf over in his hands to fight the oncoming heat of having to guess.

"Why-" Error slinks to the side and bullshit giggles again, "What did you think he leaves on unattended patrol for when he gets there? Are you kidding me?!"

Blue unconventionally makes out to slap him, as Error on the receiving end has nothing better to do than slap him full-force and twice harder. And for a while he would mark the blossomed forecoming of a sinner in Blue like he knew would be. Blue is blowing a third hole through his skull right now as he needs to listen to himself to listen to Error to listen to him about the moral code.

edit: what tf i remember back to the sin shack i feel so bad for deleting it ages ago dklsfjwe fuck me

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