ut au kpop debut

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I had so much fun writing the song it downplays my perfectionism with writing it

Another idol group reemerged in placement of where the previous act had been studied thoroughly and recorded at every necessary angle; high of a count at twenty-one and surprisingly quick to assemble, when the judges asked for their name, the center-most standing person replied, "We're U.R. niverse."

The judges appeared skeptical, but rolled with the rest of their questions anyway. One out of the three sitting in a row before the audience asked, "And who is the leader in all this? If there is one anyway, we'd like to know." The center-most standing grinned sheepishly, raising his hand over the rest of the performers, along with Error.
"Ink and I are."

"Okay, good to know." The judges shared their laughs.
"Sorry, it's just that there's so many of you. So, how did all of you possibly agree to joining in a group together?"

Ink and Error found each other's eyes for an answer. The truth is, it sure as hell took them a lot to pull this off, even if they're all supposed to be the same cookie-cut image of the Original. Especially with Error downright not buying this idea from the beginning, as it had only taken him up until this week to finally be able to convince him. Ink didn't know what impressions he was capable of leaving on the audience, nor was he. So, yeah, how exactly did they follow through with this?

Ink went with what he could only call truth boiled down to generics.
"Hell if I know," he began, "I'm telling you now we fought and hurt and were beaten by our assumptions but, otherwise, we refused to back away. And I think, really, the only way we could've done it was by just trusting each other. By and by. We even made alliances with the people we'd think we'd never stop hating until our dying days." This theme he delivered with his shoulders shrugged but behind both their backs, Ink's hand was being grappled by Error's.

"So, I present to you a debut from our latest song: Count the Skies!" Ink turned to the rest of his team, nodding once as a means of praying their hard work won't bail on them. A series of cheers, whistles, and applause rang up in their favor, and the judges get a little hopeful. They move into each of their starting positions while every light gives out altogether.

The idols advanced to shape a first row and in the spaces between each pair were the other half in a second row, poised and shut off from the rest of their fears. Their lead-in singer was their cue. So, Dream kicked off at the beat.

My heart's wrapped itself around my head a thousand times
Too many times to stop and try
If I'd make sense of pictures
Instead of lining up in rows, I'd pop them gone before I cry

Turn yourself around, go watch the clouds race over blues to come
And see it white-wash summers
Clear the Sun
Give me a mooning over you

Oh, there it is
My terrible distractions

Dream craftily lunges the mic behind him and offers the next person to voice their part. A gloved hand has caught it. Sci is hindmost of the stage, and sounds just as strangely serious as Dream despite their real character. But the lulling, whispering tone is gone and the dancers have split into four sub-groups; with two circles of five up front and two circles of six facing Sci's back. With sixteen split up as it is, the remaining four are surrounding him under the spotlight. No matter the complexity of their positions, though, it isn't long until they continue moving to the choreography.

There's still the chance
That I've lost myself to romance
Because whatever makes me think is so bad
About a growing legion of stars, and my death in someone's hands
Must be a clue that I leave [as] a dead man

My borders stack with pages, and pages
Of our interactive history
So, just in case you miss me
Have the small select of moments that'll haunt you back twice as quickly

Tu tu tu-ru-ru
Tu tu tu-ru-ru

But after all, how can you put the blame on me?

Tu tu tu-ru-ru
Tu tu tu-ru-ru

When it's physically impossible to run from your fantasies?
I guess we have what you'd call-
-A nightmare

Sci carries out a small duet with Nightmare who, for the sake of living as more effective props, had transfigured into his other, more recognizably tar-drenched self right before they both recited the line together, and those to come.

Never have I witnessed
A subject worth the garbage
Something grabbing my attention
To really need to break apart my bias
As the only choice I have
The fact it's worth the idle trying
My thoughts pulse that much to snap in half
But when I get around to sharing them
I end up looking to the sky

Nightmare's shifted elsewhere, and to Sci's cranium, somebody's head had tapped his. His arm was already anchoring up by the time he finished singing, the one with the microphone, to pass it onto Blue next.

(( Lm-fukking-oh when you realize midway of typing this that idols have little headwear shits to specifically keep them from juggling microphones back and forth ))

Please be knocking up my senses
Let that be the only premise to my
Cracking heart of cold

I know I'm worse than gullible, I know
But I'm taking one step further by confessing at your door

That awful delinquent part of you
Either makes me melt or yell some more
No, it's not all there is to these solemn lectures of mine
I don't exist just to tempt you
Where the fuck am I going with these rhymes-

I mean

If you preach what you mean
Sweetie, then you're the red to my 2am evenings

Even without speaking i know what you mean to me

And those eyes so intense, so endless
That it's enough to convince me you'll
Spill the whole world to me in one glance

Come on, now~

(Error and Ink, plus the rest of the gang)

1, 2, 5, 10!
Each and every one of them
Are mirrors to the soul
Tear through the seams that locked us home

So, please now, - count - the - skies -
Find a way in someone's eyes
Jump off your ground and reach up
Just with yourself alone, I know it's true

That Papa John will always love you~!

Then they all burn up their layered skirts and let out the fight that's been suspended throughout the performance on other idol groups to say they're better than them in every way possible.

At one point, as Error is still wearing the stupid, cutesy blouse that was supposed to be a part of his costume, he puts one of the performers in a chokehold after receiving several comments about how off-put he looked compared to his other idol-mates.

Error would later be the result of paying for somebody's hospital trip and the uproarious hate from Ink and a few others. Especially Ink, who couldn't be anymore disappointed.

U.R niverse is eventually let off at a warning for lollygagging and threatening the other idols, which doesn't affect their average score in the tournament little did they know - not until Mafia asks the judges himself.

On their way home, they stop by a nearby restaurant to celebrate their impressive work on tonight's show, at a Chinese place.

They backtrack into the car having stolen all of the restaurant's supply of fortune cookies and committed an act of vandalism. What with Fell being pushed into a tower of porcelain plates by accident and maybe diffusing a lamp once.

All in all, it was a good day for the U.R niverse crew.

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