spin-off episode with the boys

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half as long as my usual stories. I'm surprisingly not as shitposty as usual in this one when it feels like i should be. so anyway, magical girl au with dream and error anyone?

Outskirts of the city spread bare before two falsely-stupefied heroes, but only when Error made the effort to turn around that he noticed Dream was there. And when he blew an impressive whistle to begin with.

His gloved arms uncrossed, and the elbows bent an awkward angle.

"Man, we've..."

Dream spared himself the glower in his direction.

"We've got lots of work to do."

"No we's, Dream," he chided, "There's no we in any of this. How did you even find that stupid costume in time to come here?"

He's hidden the urge to say, "See it on yourself first", but didn't dwell on his own encouragement much for it to last the conversation.

"I'm here to help," he said, as if saying it once didn't answer enough.

Error by this point, seemingly must have forgot to care because he didn't forget drawing in a good few breaths to let them go. A second's worth their silence broke a different firing now, coming from a sect of smaller mutant Komodo dragons in ways of absolute massacre.

Room for more questions, as the two of them finally noticed, would only kill the city even more so, and hurt any duration left in saving it. But an honest look was needed to be the driving force - for Error to produce freshly sown strings out of his tear marks (or what Dream thought was his face just liquefying to the war benefit) and help Dream in summoning his own signature signs. When he asked in the space of a short silence again, he said "What do you specialize in?"


Error's hand came up to his face again, but, to Dream's surprise, weren't liquefying into weapons.

"I mean what do you want your dream weapon like, if don't already have one?"

"Dream weapon?" he repeated, to which Error dove his face into the cups of his hands in anguish.

"Maybe a bow sort of thing? That's okay, right?"

Error nodded (-still) into his hands, and muffled the last of his instructions. Something along the lines of, "just pretend like you're drawing a bow back or whatever then".

Dream insists much of his attention on his own arms, and stops in the beginning to doubt himself.

"We don't have much time," Error said.

"Yeah, I know..."

He shut his eyes before a light signaled the change in small, synchronized blinks. And as he opened them, Dream jumped to cheer for it working despite the scene.

"We're ready?" Dream starts to assume but shouldn't go any further, because when he tries to meet his gaze he finds that Error is another two buildings away tailoring the baddies.

Dream takes off with him, in a direction south of where he is, stretching the string to bring his arrow in touch with his cheek. Then - and before firing he laughs - a palm-sized battalion pours over their enemies. The arrows are let go accordingly to how much of his adrenaline he can contain, so that as much as Ink can see he will rest assured.

The Cute & Code Duo has everyone's backs.

Bad name? No?

That's good.

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