yeah it's my oc luna

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an argument against anyone who decides to name their oc luna. if it wasn't apparent by now, this is a jjjoke.

A stronger panic rose over his own voice.

"But she needs me! She's my own kid, Nightmare!"

"No, I'm not doubting that," he went on, "Because obviously she would be the daughter of whose name you hate."

Cross threw himself forward again despite the restraints. "Take that back!"

"Her name is fine! Cross - oh my god - if you hated her name so much why didn't you just admit it first-hand?"

"Or have that talk with yourself. There's obviously someone better off with their mouth shut more than your brother," Cross spat at the last syllable, and would have left on the spot if his magic wasn't so fried as it was.

Like all inner judgements, this one was bound to being let out (never mind explosively), but bonus points to the two for doing it in the privacy of an underground cave system where Luna couldn't hear either or's objections against her birth name.

Luna was a bad name to begin with though, or so Cross argued. And if Nightmare hadn't been so blunt about sticking with it maybe he wouldn't let extensive steam on the matter later on. If he would've just listened to him once about name-choosing Cross would be spared the burning turmoil he gets every time he looks Luna in the eye.

His anger came to him anew in the space of a starting silence. When Cross demanded for what he was chained here for. Though he couldn't mention it now, doubt sat heavy on his mind after Nightmare had grinned.

"I believe this is as formal of a departure as you can get, Cross. You'll never have to worry about Luna's entitlement."

"Oh, so you're keeping me prisoner? That's your punchline?"

Cross almost wasn't in the mood to be doing a double take, he said, " I've really crossed paths with destiny. Oh wow, I'm just-"

"-at crosshairs with life and death, yeah," Nightmare finished for him. Cross waited for the corners of his teeth to lift up and only saw how he forced them into a line. He backed up on the stone wall to level himself.

If in contrast to an illusion somehow, Cross might've seen Nightmare's wrists behind him for a different reason.

"Are you serious?"

"I can't let Luna live with scum," he answered. Two sound clicks arose under the same second Nightmare scowled at him, to materialize bones the same circumference as whittled down tooth picks. Then under another click he summoned blaster heads (given their recesses clogged in tar, the only way Cross could tell was through the shape of their snout). Altogether, Nightmare aimed them at him. Cross believed his breathes went short the harder he pressed himself to analyze.

"You're not really doing this, come on, Nightmare."

"I keep my word," he said, albeit his eyes crestfallen and focused on the leftmost wall than the shine in Cross's eye lights.

"I'm your hubby!" he scremnied.

But something pushed Nightmare to always fight against his every argument. Maybe this wouldn't feel so hopeless if someone could resolve it sooner. They were so busy being apart that it felt like nothing they shared really mattered like their work did.

Or just maybe he became hard-wired from all the time building on him in his withered mansion.

But Nightmare answered for the both of them. Even if he couldn't think straight. Or if after his bastillion's cue it felt wrong to silence his panic at blank point.

He threw his face against a wall for cover. "This is goodbye."

If it's not clear enough - which I'm pretty sure it isn't now that I'm looking back on this - Nightmare shoots him in the end ;4

I'm so good with angst, right?

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