hot sushi bar action

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I'm not the first to say but Lust has big dick energy

As his finger traveled down from his jacket zipper he didn't dare flinch.
"Do you really think you can just /touch/ me so easily? Like you don't have a single clue about who I am?" Error finally snapped.
"Hey, don't give me attitude darling, I already have one of my own."
"Lust, I swear to Asgore I can throw you into the void so fast!-"
"And I can get back to you just as quick~"
kdjfsldfjsdlkfjlsdkfj yep you know the drill just type unti lyou can't feel feelings

A heavy sigh was lifted from his shoulders. There was just no use bothering with him. Or just about anyone from this god forsaken au that Ink had the spur to make. Why he ever decided on making it was a dangerous territory he would cross another day.

Their roll in conversation had stopped by now to the point where he wouldn't stop looking at him, and Error does everything he can to look away from him.
He just kept looking at him. Lust wouldn't stop batting his eyes like an idiot in front of him and he didn't know why. This stupid universe didn't make batshiT sense from the beginning.

"Stop." Error said. Now this was getting his attention. Lust's head cocked to one side while he listened for an emphasis. When he didn't hear any, he asked, "Stop what?"
Error suddenly pushed him away forcefully by the hand.
"Stop trying to flirt your way through with me like it's going to work. Nothing's going to be left of your au and you damn well know that!"

Shockingly, Lust began to laugh. He said, "I'm not doing it to save my world, you dummy."
"Then what else?!"

"What?" Error grew more and more frustrated by the minute. Lust turned away from him for a minute in thought.
"I'll tell you once I treat ourselves to dinner first."
Upon hearing this, Error's randomized glitches began popping in and out of existance like a sh!tstorm. Even though he had at least thought ahead to avoid grabbing his hand, Lust resorted to other methods.

Trailing away from the woods of Snowdin, Error was being carried off by the notorious violet magic of Lust into the unknown.


He didn't expect it to be like this, though.
"Seafood of all places?" Error said it more like a muttered thought to himself. But Lust caught his words right and nodded.
"You couldn't have picked someplace else? What about Grillby's?"
"Oh, don't worry, this seafood place has fries and burgers too." he defended.

"Do you... Like seafood, then?" Error asked, feeling stupider by the second to waste his time with someone who should have already dusted.
"Uh yeah, what else does it look like? Seafood is just soo juicy~"

Error held one hand up in defense; "Ew, okay, I didn't need the details, abomination 17."

Lust got an idea the second he left his sentence there.
"Oh, so we're giving each other nicknames now, is that it?"

Error's messed up eyes rolled todfdlkfjsldf.
"That is /n0T what I meant, and you know it."

No matter the remarks on how disgusting his behavior was, it held no affect on Lust. He was probably already very informed of that anyway.

The food came in, and, as what anyone and everyone would do, they chowed down. Error was hoping to scarf down as much food as possible so he didn't have the time to respond to his pointless questions. PLus he wouldn't get to hear half of what he says if he's chewing, too.

But everything was far from that, unfortunately. Due to the lack of the spacious dining area and lack of customers today they were given unlimitless quiet and the power to make topics as privatized as they wanted them to be. This was probably what Lust was thinking for him. /How disgusting/...

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