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The sequel " Through The Lens" coming October 12th, 2020!

Due to popular demand, there is now a fully edited version of this book available on Amazon for order! This version will remain up here but if you would like a physical copy feel free to check it out!

Harry and Louis were inseparable for the majority of there childhood, constantly playing and joking with each other. The boys spent a majority of there time at Louis' house which caused Louis's mom Jay to basically become Harry's second mom that even after the drift apart from his best friend he still regularly visited.

Harry has always had a special way with kids, maybe it's the amount of time he spent with Jay or maybe it was the fact that Harry was the most loving and affectionate person on the planet.

Every Friday night for the past four years Harry has babysat Phoebe and Daisy, the youngest of the Tomlinson family and let's face it they were basically his own kids! The girls loved how Harry would dress them up as princesses and take photographs of them and turn them into real princesses in a castle and all.

That was another thing Harry was great at. Photography. Harry started taking photos to escape from the world, it just so happened he was so good people started paying him so he decided to start a small business. Harry often does especially photos for things like kids' parties or dance photos for teenagers since he never went to those things himself.

Louis became the classic high school hotshot, athletic, smart, funny, he was the whole package. Of course, he had just about every single human with eyes was swooning after him, I mean who wouldn't with those bright blue eyes and sharp cheekbones. However, one lucky girl held or rather stole the key to his heart. Louis and Veronica or Ronni as she preferred had been dating since December of freshman year and are the definition of a power couple. Everywhere they go people stop and stare practically gawking at how much good looks ended up in one relationship.

The looks seem to block most people from how controlling Ronni can be over people, especially when it comes to Louis. Sometimes he feels like he's suffocating in his own life because it's not really his anymore, it's Ronni's.

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