Chapter 36

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Arriving at the field was now a normal event and Harry was able to get both girls out of the car and the cooler all before Cassie and Niall even unbuckled. Niall took a hold of the cooler insisting he was best to guard the food while the twins quickly went over to Cassie. Now with free hands Harry was able to grab his camera bag before locking the doors and walking up to the bleachers with everyone else.

By now everyone except Niall and Cassie knew the normal schedule for football games, Jay day with the twins while Harry took photos until it got too dark to do so. Today however was going to be different, everyone except Harry knew that.

The foremost important thing that had to be done first was introducing Jay to the couple tagging along with them, thankfully she seemed to love them just as much as Harry and the twins. Cassie sat next to Jay with Phoebe in her lap while Daisy sat on her mums. Niall was busy sitting at the edge of the bleacher, which the entire group took up, and digging through the cooler and handing out snacks to everyone.

"See he's not looking at us he's looking at Harry."

Cassie nodded as Phoebe whispered into her ear and pointed towards her brother as he ran up and down the field. It didn't take long to notice that every chance Louis got his eyes scanned the crowd looking for Harry, whenever he did a soft smile lifted his cheeks high but when he couldn't he'd simply nod at his mum or sisters before returning his focus back to the game.

"We need to get Harry off of that camera, here go over to his camera bag and in the side pocket there is a little plastic case. I need you to grab it and bring it over."

"Will Harry get mad?"

"No, he'll love it. Trust me."

Phoebe nodded and climbed off of Cassie's lap walking over to the black bag sitting on the floor, she moved quickly and quietly trying to stay close to the floor so as not to be seen by Harry. Niall gave her a questioning glance before he saw Cassie shaking her head from his peripheral view, a few moments later Phoebe found the small gray container and held it close to her chest underneath the unzipped portion of her jacket hiding it from anyone point of view.


"What are we going to do?"

"We are going to take some pictures."


"You'll see, don't worry, just go along with what I say okay?"


Daisy who was still sitting on her mum's lap gave her sister a thumbs-up silently saying she knew of the plan.

"Harry! would you come over here and sit down with us and enjoy the game already?"

"Cassie, I'm taking photos!"

Harry put his camera back up to his face and began focusing his next shot, clearly dismissing the request.

"Well are you going to let me see them?"


Harry shrugged taking the strap around his neck off and messing with the settings on his camera before turning around and walking over to the bleachers in between his friends. Once sitting he handed the camera to Cassie to happily take it and shifted sideways so her back was now facing Harry.

"What are-"

"Harry you wouldn't believe how good these are! Here try them!"


Niall had shoved handfuls of chips into Harry's mouth completely distracting him from his camera and photos allowing Cassie to take out the current SD card, put it in her pocket, and place a new one inside in its place. With the camera now ready Cassie whispered the plan into Phoebe's ear who then whispered it to Daisy, they nodded and began their job.

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