Chapter 19

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Days have passed leaving it to be New Year's Eve. Harry was laying on the couch just dazing at the tv, a marathon of Criminal Minds had been playing for the past ten hours. Every now and then Harry would log into his phone and check his social media, it wasn't long until all of his feed was filled with alerts of a party.

A post with an address, time, and other details had been retweeted, reposted, and sent in almost every group chat that involved people from school. It wasn't long until Harry got a text from Cassie.

"Get ready to party!"

"Cassie, I'm not going to that thing!"

"We'll be over in an hour."

"Cassie, NO"

"Be ready!"

"I'm not doing this."

Harry threw his phone down beside him and just pulled his blanket up to his face, he had no intentions of going out tonight. As Harry laid comfortably on the couch the moon began to replace the shining sun. Just as the ending credits came on the tv Harry heard knocking at the door. Grudgingly he got up still wrapped in the warm blanket and walked towards the door. Harry knew who exactly was standing on the other side of the door and was ready to put up a fight to stay home.

Cassie and Niall stood outside the door. Cassie was wearing a silver metallic dress that hit at her middle of her thigh along with a pair of silver flats and a black coat hanging over her shoulders. Niall wore a pair of lavender pants paired with a black shirt and brown shoes.

"You guys look amazing!"

"Why thank you-"

"But I'm not going."


"What! you know I don't like parties."

"You are not spending tonight alone and we are going out so you are coming with us."

"Cas this isn't up for discussion, I'm not going!"

"Both me and Niall will be there, you will be fine!"

The three had moved into the house and stood by the stairs. Harry tried to make his way back to the living room but the couple had blocked his way.

"Cas please."

"Nope, up the stairs you go!"

"Niall a little help here!"

"Sorry mate, I'm with Cassie on this one, no one spends new years alone!"

Cassie pulled Harry forward by grabbing the blanket wrapped around him and began walking him up the stairs while Niall jogged up behind them. A the top of the stairs Harry immediately tried to turn around but was meant with Niall's hands turning him back around and guided him into his bedroom.

Once inside Cassie immediately headed straight to Harry's closet as both Niall and Harry sat down on the unmade bed. 

"What's gotten into you Cas, why do you want me to go out so bad?"

"Harry I don't want you to be alone. I want you to have other people to hang out with besides me. As much as I know you love spending your Friday nights watching Pheobe and Daisy you need to be with people our age Harry. Besides it's our senior year need to live a little."

Cassie patted Harry's head before turning back around shuffling clothes around on the hanger. Harry began fiddling with his hands. He knew that whatever he said he would still end up at the party, and truthfully it wasn't that the idea of the party complete revolted him it was knowing that everyone that would be there was going to be a couple, every senior and possibly junior couple would be there and well Harry was going as a third wheel.

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