Chapter 27

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Harry stepped through the garage door back into the house with his camera bag in hand. Harry was slightly shocked to see that Louis had indeed cleaned up the little mess that was left over from dinner. Maybe he really was determined to become the old Louis, the real Louis.

"If you have a computer I can pull up the photos there or you can just look at them on the LCD screen."

"What's an LCD screen?"

"The little screen on the back of the camera."

"I'll just grab my laptop instead."


Louis walked out of the kitchen placing the dishrag he was using to wipe down the counter in the sink before he began jogging up to his room. Louis walked into his room grabbing his MacBook off of his desk. As he turned around to walk out he caught a glimpse of the photo he printed out of the girls with Harry. Louis's lip moved into a tight lipped smile, he was happy to be getting closer to his sisters. Louis also couldn't help but notice how nice it was to have Harry back in his life. though it might not have been exactly what it was like when they were younger he felt more like himself with him then he ever has in the last four years.

Knowing that his computer was most likely nearly dead Louis shuffled through his desk drawer to find the charger before he began his soft jog back downstairs. Harry was standing next to the kitchen table, his fingers were running over the camera nervously. Harry's shoulders were slightly slumped forward and his head tilted down so his eyes could focus on the wooden table his camera was sitting on.

Not many people ever asked to see Harry's photos unless it was of them, we actually no one really asked except for Cassie sometimes but even then it was always the finished product she saw. Louis was about to see raw photos and raw photos was liking looking directly into Harry's brain especially when there was no real purpose to the photos. These photos were just a demonstration of what went on in Harry's head, he couldn't tell anyone the reason or thought behind the photos or exactly why he chose what he photographed or how he did it, it was just something he could do.

"I've got the computer!"


"Where do you want to sit, it probably needs to be near an outlet. I don't know how much charge is left."

"Wherever is fine."

"how about the window seat?"


Louis took the lead and walked ahead of Harry to the window seat. Louis plugged the charger into the wall outlet then connected it to his electronic. Sitting down each boy grabbed a blanket and dropped it over themselves to help protect them from the cold window he leaned up against.

Harry was honestly thrilled Louis had suggested the window seat begin that it was his absolute favorite place in the entire house; it helped ease his nerves slightly, but unfortunately only slightly. Harry still felt as if he might throw up. It was weird he knew that it was just some photographs but they just felt so personal as if they were like his babies.

Louis took a good, long look at Harry and saw the small furrow of his eyebrows and the unfocused gaze in his eyes. He noticed the precise movements and stiffness in his hands signaling he was nervous. Louis made a mental note to keep his sassy demeanor at bay for the rest of the night, he knew Harry rarely got nervous so when he did he knew it took a lot to get him there.

"So how do we pull these up?"

"Here just plug this into a USB port, a small pop-up will appear on the bottom of the screen asking for access to the computer, press accept then another window will pop up and the photos will begin to load. Usually, there is a progress bar at the top to show how many are left."

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