Chapter 10

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A week has past and that meant that it was now winter break and Christmas was only five days away. With it being Friday Harry would normally be headed over to the Tomlinsons to watch the girls but instead, he was headed over to drop off his gifts for them.

With Jay being home Harry didn't see the need to park in the garage, as he didn't plan on staying too long, and instead parked in his normal space in front of the home. Once parked Harry went to the trunk of his car and grabbed the two large bags that contained gifts for Jay, Pheobe, Daisy, and yes Louis as well.

For Jay Harry had printed out almost all of the photos he has taken of the twins and of Louis and created a year of memories scrapbook. This gift has become a tradition since the twins first Christmas and every year it was one of Jay's favorites gifts. Harry had gotten Pheobe and Daisy Louis each a new princess dress with matching tiaras, Cassie also threw in a set of play makeup and hair clips. Now the tricky thing for Harry was getting a gift for Louis, he knew he would have to, it would be way to get something fro everyone else but him, the problem is he really didn't.t know what to get him.

Harry could have easily gotten Louisoen of those premade gift boxes you could buy at any department store, you know the ones with a set of pajamas, socks, and cologne, but it seemed way too impersonal since, in reality, Harry knew Louis way to well to not put in some thought. However, Harry also didn't want his gift to seem like he had been stalking Louis, which he wasn't but he was very observant of everything Louis did.

The idea came to Harry just two days ago as he was cleaning out his garage. While organizing he came across a football that had LT and RT written on the side of it, at first confused by why he had one of Louis's footballs his head quickly recalled a memory.

It happened ten or eleven years ago, Richard had just begun teaching Louis how to play football. It was back when Harry was still open to the idea of playing sports and since his best friend had been talking non-stop about how much fun it was he decided to give it a try. One day Louis came over to his house with his dad, Richard, and begun trying to teach the game to Harry.

The day actually hadn't gone too bad but it was clear after that day to Harry was Football was definitely not his thing but he was to nice to tell Louis and Richard that he really didn't want to play. This caused them to leave the football with Harry so he could practice. Harry never did and subsequently, he forgot about the ball in entirety.

When Harry saw the ball he one instantly that Louis would appreciate it. The next day he went out to the store and bought a clear plastic case and mount to store the ball.

Snow had started sprinkling from the sky as Harry made his way to the front door since everyone was already home he didn't want to use his key and just walk in, plus he probably couldn't even reach his keys with his hands being so full. Instead, he settled on ringing the majestic doorbell.

Jay came and opened the door immediately smiling as she recognized the boy standing outside her door.


"I come bearing gifts!"

"Come inside let's get you out of that freezing weather! You know you don't have to gift anything to anyone here, having you if a gift enough."

"Always leave it to Momma Jay to make you feel loved! You know I absolutely love spoiling people though, besides its really no big deal."

"Your ar too pure for this world Harry, please don't ever change."

Jay went in and gave Harry a hug.

"Don't worry I don't plan on it!"

Harry giggled as he pulled away, this allowed Jay to see the two bag he carried and the realization crossed over that Harry probably wants to put them down.

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