Chapter 31

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The footsteps kept getting louder each second that ticked away on the clock. Instantly Harry dropped his icing bags and wrapped one hand around Phoebe and the other around Daisy when he heard a large crash coming from the hallway. Thanks to not having the light turned on Harry had no idea what was coming at them, that was until he saw a very tired and sweaty looking Louis basically sleepwalking towards the kitchen.

Harry released the breath his lungs had been gripping onto and let his hands fall back down to the counter. Phoebe and Daisy noticed the extra presence and install looked up with excitement in their eyes.



Louis nearly fell backward from freight and held his hand to his chest, heavy breathing followed as he tried to calm down. Phoebe and Daisy didn't even wait for Harry to safely lift them off of the counter, instead, they jumped down and began running over to Louis.

A large Grunt escaped Louis as his sisters jumped into his arms. Once in a secured grip Daisy started questioning Louis.

"How were tryouts?  Are you a team captain? Ew, you're all sweaty!"

The words were a shock to Louis. The girls have never asked Louis about football besides at Christmas, he couldn't help but feel his heart swell a little in appreciation.  As Daisy began to squirm away from Louis he couldn't help but pull a classic bother moment and pulled her closer making sure to rub the leftover sweat on her before finally setting her down while keeping Pheobe in his other arm.

"There, now we are all sweaty! And tryouts were great, how'd you know about them?"

Both girls silently looked over to Harry signaling he was the one that told them before turning back to look at their brother.

"Ahh, Harry tried to bore you to death with my boring schedule."

"It wasn't boring, he made it fun!"

"That's his special charm."

Daisy nodded excitedly before promptly standing up and grabbing Louis's hand leading him into the kitchen stopping once they arrived in front of the pile of cookies. Daisy held her arms up and Harry lifted her onto the edge of the counter trying to stay clear of the mess.

"We made cookies!"

"I can see that they look yummy!"

"They are celebration cookies! You want one?"

"What are we celebrating? And of course, I want one!"

Daisy picked up a cookie and handed it to Louis before grabbing one for herself, Harry then gave one to Phoebe who looked like she was about to fall asleep in Louis's arms. It was the cutest thing Harry has seen since photographing the little twin boys nearly a month ago.

"These are delicious, you all are some amazing bakers!"

"Harry do you want one?" Phoebe's voice was light and soft with a trace of a smile.

"I think he might be wearing his cookie!"

All three siblings laughed while Louis ruffled Harry's hair causing flour to cascade down and fall to the floor. Harry instantly grabbed a small washcloth and began to hit Louis trying to keep Phoebe out of it.

"Okay okay, I'm sorry!"

Harry eventually stopped hitting Louis and settled on giving him a daring stare as he shoved a cookie into his mouth. Once he pulled his eyes away from the incredible adorable sight of Phoebe and Louis he was able to the dark shine of the night shining into the house. Looking at the clock on the oven Harry almost let out a gasp at how late it had gotten, nearly 11:00 pm, no wonder Phoebe is basically asleep.

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