Chapter 32

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"Cassie you don't understand, I sounded like a total creep!"

"Oh come on it couldn't have been that bad, it's just a schedule."

"But why would I creepily ask him at nearly 1:00 am, I could have at least waited until school or I could have just googled it. I'm sure that would have worked."

"It was sweet! I'm sure he appreciated it, knowing someone would be there to support him."

It was late Saturday morning and Harry, Niall, and Cassie were sitting at a window booth at Groundz all lightly sipping on coffee and nibbling on warm pastries. When Harry showed up for his regular weekend meeting with Cassie, and now Niall, he was still replaying everything in his head from the previous night. It was a solid fifteen seconds before Niall and Cassie told him to spill and three hours later words were still seeping out of Harry's coffee burned lips.

Although Niall had only spoken about three words in the entire conversation he had noted something about the way Harry spoke like he was keeping something on the tip of his tongue but didn't want to say it. Soon Harry got up to go to the bathroom leaving just Niall and Cassie sitting at the window booth.

"Cass this is going to be pointless if he can't get the whole story out of him."

"Okay, so you noticed it too?"

"Yeah there is something he's not telling us and by the look of it i don't think he will."

"And I don't want to force it out of him if it makes him uncomfortable or if its something Louis doesn't want us to know."

"Of course they still do need some privacy and it is their life it should be their section to share what they want but maybe we can get if its something like they talk more than Harry lets on or maybe they hangout besides on Friday nights or maybe it's something to do with their old friendship."

"That's a great idea and that would help so much, maybe Harry just needs a little reassurance that they are friends again-"

"What are you talking about?"

"Oh, Harry! Nothing just uh  date night plans nothing serious."

"It's been less than twenty-four hours and you're already planning another date night!"

"You'll understand it soon enough don't worry!"

"Yeah in my dreams."

"Oh hush you will find a great guy. You've already found us and Louis."

"Cassie was right you do roll your eyes a lot!"

Harry began to laugh and roll his eyes dramatically at Niall to make his point clear. it was then that both Niall and Cassie both knew they had to ask now or they probably wouldn't get another chance for at least another week so Cassie went in for the kill.

"Harry I have a question and if it makes you uncomfortable you don't have to answer and if you do answer you don't have to say everything but i have to ask. What are you holding back?"

"What do you mean by holding back?"

"It's like you keep wanting to say something but you're holding yourself back. if it makes you uncomfortable to share you don't have to but maybe it would help you."

"Oh that. Yeah, it's just I guess we talk a lot when it's late and sometimes I just forget how much of our lives we shared and it surprises me I guess how I can still read him and he can still read me."



"Louis trusts you, if he talks to you late at night then he trusts you so you are clearly doing something right."

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