Playback Log 4

139 6 4

*0632 is cutting her way through the facility when a man steps in her path. The two look at each other*

???: wait...0632? Is that you?

*0632's eyes widen*

0632: D-dad?! You're back!!!

???: Yes my little ember. It's me. I'm back to take revenge on all who hurt you and your fellow subjects.

*0633 runs into the man's arms and he spins her around, before the two hug. The man touches a part of her back making her cry out. He gently places her down and carefully moves her fur to see a large brand mark of "0632" in the middle of her back. 0632 whines in pain. The man applies a special ointment to the burn carefully, slowly making it stop hurting. 0632 whimpers and the man hugs her*

0632: They hurt her....they hurt her...

???: Hurt who sweetie?

0632: They hurt 0327. My little Pudding.... they hurt her bad...

???: What did they do to her?

0632: *sniffles* they tore her tentacles, killed our child, raped her... and now they're rewarding some piece of shit named 0798 for beating her...

*The man wipes her tears gently away and hugs her tightly*

???: We will get her back. She'll be safe with us. I'll get my team to find her and bring her to safety. You go handle 0798. Show her your power my little ember. *He kisses her forehead making her giggle*

0632: Yes dad. I'll make her pay!!! *She runs off and jumps into a vent, making her way through the facility to where 0798 would most likely be hiding. The man directs troops to certain areas and a black furred one with one orange eye and one red eye looks at him.*

???: 2791, hack into the mainframe and take all their data. We'll reduce this organisation to nothing once it all gets released worldwide

2791: 25, 15, 21, 7, 15, 20, 9, 20 *Heads off to a large door and begins hacking the keypad*

(If anyone gets what 2791 said, then I will be impressed. Clue: Alphabet)

Subject 0632Where stories live. Discover now