chapter 1 | meeting you

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Today was the day of our field trip. We were going to Everland, one of Korea's biggest amusement parks. Chanmi and I were so excited for it, that it took us forever to find outfits.

A little introduction to my life. I am an only child. Chanmi has an older sister but she's already off pursuing her dreams and we barely ever see her. So technically, we both considered ourselves as only childs. Not that we hated her sister or anything. Anyway, we've been friends since the beginning of middle school and we've just stayed best friends since then. It's not that we weren't popular and that's why we didn't have much friends. We just never really got bothered by having such a big group. We liked it when it was just the two of us.

Okay, back to the story. So it was the middle of our junior year of college. This field trip wasn't at all educational and it was provided by the school as a resting time for the students. It's actually not a bad idea at all. The fact that we get a whole day off to an amusement park.

 The fact that we get a whole day off to an amusement park

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The whole bus ride was just our class blasting music as Chanmi and I talked in the back seat. As soon as we arrived, everyone dashed off. There were no teachers here and the whole park was reserved for us and I think, three other schools. The point is, we're going to have some fun today.

"Let's go on that one." Chanmi says. I nod as we jog a little to get in line.

"I'm so excited! We should get matching headbands today." I suggested smiling.

"Omg. Yes. That'll look so cute." She replies, wiggling excitedly. While we were talking, I could hear a bunch of loud guys lining up behind us. They weren't the annoying loud ones though. They were the 'if you eavesdrop it's funny' kind of loud people. Does that make sense? After a few more rides, I started realizing that those boys are always on the same ride as us at the same time.

- A While Later -

"Okay, let's go." I said going to the headband store. Oh my god. These are all so cute.

"I'm gonna go check over there." I said pointing over to the bunny aisle. She looks at it and knowing my love for bunnies, she smiles nodding. I giggle before walking over.

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