chapter 7 | better than ever

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That night, we cuddled to sleep and as usual, he had completely buried me into his embrace. Nothing more. Nothing less. It felt. Just right. I woke up the next day realizing that we had school.

"Hyunjin.. Come on. Wake up." I said as I shook him with each word. He pulled me back into a hug instead.

"I will if you give me a kiss." He said. I giggle at him before giving him a quick peck on the cheek.

"No. Here." He said pointing at his lips. I roll my eyes but give him one anyway before being pulled deeper in the kiss.

"Okay. I think you can wake up now." I said, pulling away. I chuckle at him being cutesy already. Not that I hate it. I slid off of him and got off the bed.

"Oh, and." Hyunjin starts.

"Oh my god. What now?" I said rolling my eyes again.

"Call me Jinnie again."

"Will you wake up then?" I asked walking over closer. He nods lazily rolling to the edge of the bed.

"Fine.. Come on.. Jinnie." I said giving him another kiss. I let go and walk over to the closet. I quickly get changed and see him with his full uniform too.

"Can I start taking you back to school now?" He asks. I nod my head, gathering my stuff and putting them into my backpack. I touch up on my makeup. It's been a while since I tried to actually look good.

"I missed you." I said, taking in a good waft of his smell as I grabbed his wrist, pulling him into another hug.

"Me too.. I can't believe we're back together.", He said as we went outside to get into the car. "Y/N, don't forget to lock the door." He says. God, I am so forgetful. I chuckle and go back over to the door, grabbing my keys. After locking it, I went to the passenger seat, climbing in.

- School -

"I don't have class this morning. Do you think the teacher would let me hang around?" He says. I shrug.

"Probably not.", I said, making him pout. "But we could try. It's science class though so it'll probably be boring for you." His face immediately lips up into a smile, nodding his head. After parking the car, he grabbed my hand walking me in.

"Good morning, Mrs. Lee."

"Good morning, Y/N. You seem happy today.", She replies and looks over to Hyunjin. "And who might this fellow be?"

"He's.. Umm.."

"Boyfriend. I'm her boyfriend, miss. I attend the neighboring school, __________. Would you mind if I stuck around for a bit? We had some issues before and we're finally okay. And I really don't want to leave her side." He says. Wow. He's actually interacting with her. I look up at him adoring his cute way of talking.

"Are you skipping your class for this?" Is she actually considering it?

"No, of course not."

"Then, sure. You guys can sit in the back. But don't distract her, Mr..?"

"Hwang. Hwang Hyunjin."

"Alright. She's one of my best workers so I don't want you to be a distraction to her or anyone here, as a matter of fact. Okay, Hyunjin? Are we clear?" She says. Looks really convinced people here. Hyunjin immediately hugs me and pushes me to the back.

"Thank you, Mrs. Lee." I said as she nodded her head. Hyunjin puts his chin on my head, wrapping his arms around me before waddling over to one of the seats in the back.

"You're so cute." He says pinching my cheek. He pouts his lip and plays with my hair. He leans in for a kiss so I shyly close my eyes.

"Hyunjin.. Mrs. Lee is right there." I whisper embarrassed. He giggles. Glad there was no one in here yet. After like ten minutes, all the students started to enter, probably wondering why Hyunjin's here.

What is Love? (Hyunjin x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now