chapter 6 | only you

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"Do you think I did the wrong thing?" I ask lying in bed with my messy bun, oversized shirt, and sweatpants.

"I'm sorry, Y/N. Don't let my words affect everything. You guys looked cute. I don't want you throwing away your relationship because of a rumor." Chanmi says reaching out for my hand.

"Yeah but I mean.. He did. Always want to. You know, do it. So, I just figured." I said. Chanmi shakes her head, sighing.

"Did you talk to him about it?"

"No. I couldn't."

"You should. Y/N. Don't do that to yourself. I can't see you like this. You're my best friend and I don't want you ending your first real relationship on bad terms. Now if you talk to him and he admits to it, then I will make sure to chop off that dick so he can't ever use it again.", She says, making me laugh. She laughs along with me before giving me a small push. "Come on. Go talk to him. And please.. Why did you have to be so dramatic?" I chuckle, knowing that I did have major mood swings from this. But what could I do? I trusted him with a lot only to find out there's this possibility he's taking me for granted.

"I know.. You're right." I nodded my head, biting my lip before she stood up from the bed.

"Okay. I'm going then." She says waving her hand.

"Bye.. Thanks.." I let out before reaching for my phone. Well, actually on second thought, I should probably get dressed first. I don't want to see him looking like this mess. I start to grab random clothes on and change.

 I start to grab random clothes on and change

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Y/N: "Can you come over?"

Hyunjin: "Are you not mad at me anymore?"

Y/N: "Just.. Come over and we can talk."

Hyunjin: "Okay. I'll be over in a few minutes."


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As soon as I opened the door, he rushed in for a hug. I was bumped into his chest as he wrapped his arms around me. I could hear him sighing before I pushed him away softly.

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