chapter 3 | already here

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"Oh my god! Hyunjin! Wake up!" I said screaming. OH MY GOD! WHAT AM I GOING TO DO?

"Jeez.. Y/N. Calm down. What happened?" He says sitting up.

"We didn't use a condom!" I said freaking out.

"Oh shit. Wait actually?" He says now fully awake.

"Yes. Oh my god.. What if.. Hyunjin. I literally met you a few days ago.. If anything happens.. I swear I will.. I have no responsibility. I can't believe.." I said ranting but not even able to finish most of my sentences. I started to put on random clothes before seeing Hyunjin worriedly looking at me.

"Hey.. Y/N.. Look at me. Y/N!", He says shocking me. I look over to him as he pats down on my bed. Oh my god. I should probably wash the sheets too. I climb onto my bed with a shirt and panties on. He was in his sweatpants. I slowly slide next to him before getting cuddled. "We'll be fine. Okay. It was my mistake. I should have remembered, considering that it was your first time. I should have taken better care of you. It's just.. You looked like that yesterday and I couldn't focus. I'm sorry.", He says combing through my hair. I snuggle up to him with tears on the brim of my eyes. "Why don't we wait a week and then go get a pregnancy test? Cause I heard they don't show up until after a while. So let's wait and see. Okay?", He says carefully as if he would break me with one touch. I nodded at him before realizing what we did yesterday. Like actually. It just hit me. "By the way, you do pretty good for a first timer." Hyunjin says making me blush. I smack his chest making him dramatically groan in pain.

"Ew.. You're so disgusting, Hyunjin. But.. I'm glad you were my first." I said reaching up to kiss him. But then I remembered that we weren't even dating. What was I doing? What even are we now? But before I could back away, Hyunjin grabs my chin and kisses me.

"I've never felt this way towards any girl. Seriously.. Y/N, do you wanna be my girlfriend?", He says, placing my hair behind my ear. I gasped so hard that I started choking on my spit. After a while, I look up at him. "I mean.. We've literally already done a lot of things a couple does, right?" He pointed out. How could I say no to this dude? He is literally my ideal type.

"Yes, Hyunjin. I would love to." I said before burying myself on my pillow in embarrassment. Now that I'm dating Hyunjin, I don't have to keep looking at him secretly.

"You know.. Normal couples take like maybe at least three months to get to know each other. Date and then like another three months just to like, I don't know.. Make out? And yet, here we are. Speeding things up ten times faster. It wouldn't even be weird if we got married tomorrow." He says laughing. I chuckle at his words. Well.. At least he can lighten up the mood. I smile stupidly.

"Hey Hyunjin. What are we telling everyone else?" I said resting my hand on his chest. I looked up at him to see his reaction.

"Maybe we should keep it lowkey for a while and then tell them eventually.", He says so I nod. "Well then. Are we going for another round or do you want to go on a date?" He asks, smirking. I was confused on what he was talking about and once I understood what he was saying, I smacked him.

"Let's go on a date."

"You know you loved it. Don't pretend like you don't want it." He said pushing me away.

"God.. Hyunjin. You're so nasty.."

"Hey, why don't you call me Jinnie anymore?" He says, making me look over. I shrug before smirking.

"Probably because last night, you seemed to have liked the nickname of daddy better." I said.

"You're such a tease.", He says before coming over to the inside of my closet. He leans me up against a wall and lifts my chin up to look at him. "How about this? Hyunjin when everyone else is there. Jinnie with me but in bed, daddy." He offers. I smirked as I had a funny comeback. Why was I suddenly having fun teasing him?

What is Love? (Hyunjin x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now