chapter 2 | right or wrong

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Hyunjin's POV

Jisung: "Yo guys.. Want to hang out with those girls today?"

Seungmin: "Was Y/N actually serious about that though?"

Minho: "I don't know man. But I'm down."

Felix: "We have the groupchat so it wouldn't hurt to ask."

Changbin: "Should I call her and text her?"

Jeongin: "I want to hang out with her too."

Why are they all texting so early in the morning? I stretch my neck around tiredly before getting out of bed. But, I did want to see Y/N again. I don't know what it is about her but she makes me want to be there for her. It's.. Sorta weird. I grab my phone and call Y/N.

Y/N: "Hello?"

Hyunjin: "Hey.. Umm.. Do you want to hang out today?"

Y/N: "Oh. Felix literally just called me. We're all gonna meet up at the cafe in two hours. Unless you want to meet earlier."

Hyunjin: "Can I just go over now?"

Y/N: "Yeah sure. I'll send you my address. But I'm just watching a drama so it might be boring.."

Hyunjin: "It's fine. I like dramas too.. I just.. I'll be over in a few minutes."

Y/N: "Okay.. I just sent my address. I guess I'll see you later."

Hyunjin: "Bye."

Y/N: "Mhmm.. Bye."

I quickly get dressed before rushing out to my car.


*Ding Dong*

Well, that was fast. I stood up from the couch, walking over to the door. As soon as I opened it, I could see Hyunjin looking good even in casual clothes. I moved out of the way to let him in before clearing my throat. He looked around my house and I already knew what he was wondering.

"I can give you a quick tour around after I finish getting the snacks ready.", I said walking over to my kitchen counter where I had a basket full of a bunch of different snacks. I quickly finish assembling them before looking over to Hyunjin. "Okay. Let's go."

"So.. This is your room," He says entering. Talk about privacy. I follow him in anyway before he starts to explore my desk where all my photos were. I flop onto the bed, letting him do his thing as I stretched. "Is this you?", He says holding up my baby photo. I nod my head at him before grabbing one of my pillows to hug. "You look so cute." He says making me blush instantly. After him basically investigating my room, he sits down onto the bed next to me.

"Hyunjin, I never got to ask you. But.. Do you have a girlfriend?" I said curiously. He didn't answer so quickly so I played with my lip nervously.

"No.. I don't. I can't flirt with you and have a girlfriend. Can I?", He says. I nod my head but I feel like it just became awkward. Flirt? But then, I hear a faint snore. I looked over to Hyunjin surprised to see he was sleeping. I slowly try to get off the bed to get him comfortable before getting pulled into a hug. "Just.. Stay with me.. For a few minutes." He says, wrapping his arms around me. I nod my head and get comfortable because if I'm gonna be this close to him, I might as well stay comfy.

Chanmi's POV

"Hey guys.. Where's Y/N?" I said realizing she's not here. But it's not like her to be late.

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