chapter 4 | all mine⚠️️

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It's a smut for those who requested but there will still be some parts of the story. You can skip the smut if you want but don't skip the chapter if you don't want to miss anything. I'll warn you at the part.


After last night, Hyunjin left to go back home and I went back to my lonely house. I felt so bad though because I made him worry. I start to dress into my uniform and get ready. As I did, I slowly walked outside, grabbing my bag. After locking the door, I turn around and see Hyunjin leaning on his car door.

"What are you doing here?" I said surprised to see him here.

"What do you think? I told you I'd take you to school. I mean what I say, Y/N." He says before opening the door. I smile at him before entering his car.

"Thanks Jinnie." I said smiling at the thought of his nickname. Why do I feel so comfortable around him all the time?

"Okay.. We're here." He says, getting out of the car. I opened my side of the car and got out only to be trapped between Hyunjin's arms on the side of the car.

"Have fun." He says before kissing my head. He gives me a small smile before getting into his car. I wave him goodbye and enter the school. How can he be that sweet? I walk into the hallways before getting bumped into by someone.

"Yo! What's up?" Chanmi says in front of me.

"Nothing, really.", I said chuckling. "Oh. By the way.. Did you and Chan get anywhere?" I tease her. I can see her blushing.

"Well.. We did spend Sunday together shopping. But it was still amazing. He's such a nice guy." Chanmi says and I swear I can see the hearts in her eyes sparkling.

"Enough about me. What about you and Hyunjin?" She asks, shocking me. It's actually really hard to keep things from her. But I have to. Hyunjin and I decided to do that. Plus, it'll be better if we say it to all of them at one time.

"Hmm.. Nothing."

"Really? That's sad. Oh well. Let's head to the class!" She says hurriedly. I smile at her cuteness and follow her.

- Lunch -

Hyunjin: "I miss you already."

Aww.. He really is so cute.

Y/N: "Me too.. My classes were so boring today. I literally fell asleep in most of them."

Hyunjin: "Did you dream about me?"

Y/N: "Ew.. Stop being so cringy."

Hyunjin: "You like it. I know."

Y/N: "Mhmm.. I'll see you later."

"What are you smiling about?" Chanmi says trying to look at my phone.

"Nothing. Just thinking.." I said.

"Okay. Y/N. You're hiding something from me. I know when you are. So just tell me now." Chanmi says, making me sigh.

"I.. I can't."

"What do you mean you can't?" She asks, confused.

"I promised not to. But I will. Soon." I said hoping she doesn't get mad.

"Okay.. You're not mad or sad, right?"

"No. As long as you're fine, then I don't mind." She says. I smile, happy to have a best friend like her.

"Thanks Chanmi.."

- After Work -

I waited outside after school, seeing if Hyunjin really would pick me up. And he did.

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