Part 2 - The Senate | Chapter 5

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Lassarha, and the majority of the galaxy, found the Senate to be ineffective and dull; many saw the planet of Earth in the same light, and they were not entirely wrong. Arguably, Earth was the haughtiest of all the worlds, possessed of an arrogance that only being the origin of the entire human race, as well as serving as this race's political capital, could grant. Its sheer pretentiousness was only outmatched by its ostentatiousness, both of which far exceeded their equivalent in any other world, Kalithihar included. This was only exacerbated by the fact that the planet possessed all the claimants to the galaxy's throne, at all times, for any Tekran who was anywhere in the line of succession who then left Earth for a prolonged time — or a very short time during times of war — would lose their legal claim to imperatorship completely. Theoretically, this was a measure intended to prevent civil wars and succession crises, and it may have even helped prevent a few, yet many suspected that it was in truth a way for the planet to exert even more control on the rest of the galaxy — the stated motive just seemed too genuine for Earth.

The Ineffable's bridge, on the other hand, was genuinely impressive: it was a massive, cylindrical, multi-tiered chamber, replete with digital desks and defended by a complement of marine and enforcer guards who wore armor as gilded and as sturdy as the halls they guarded. These digital desks were arranged on their own, specialized levels — one for piloting, one for communications, one for politicians — in a way that almost looked more amphitheater than control center, and gave the crew pleasing views of all the floors beneath them. As Lassarha stepped out onto the lowest level of the bridge, it was as if she was stepping onto the Senate floor, though here she felt infinitely more at ease. After all, there were fewer politicians, fewer of her enemies, and far fewer Earthers — how could she not feel at least slightly more comfortable?

This section of her bridge, that being at the ground-floor, was dedicated entirely to combat, with scarcely a thought given to political machinations in its design, and was equal or superior in function — if slightly more grand — to those of other strictly military vessels of the same class. Besides her luxurious personal chambers, Lassarha, being a former marine, felt more at home here than on any other part of the ship. Marines were trained to enjoy misery in all of its many ugly forms, and Lassarha had realized early that there was no better way to equip someone for politics than to endure said training; better still, it gave one a solid, distinct reputation and personality from her first day in office. Achieving it had been no easy feat: for her to be a Tekran and to in the military was a rare choice indeed, as the legal restrictions on Tekran in the armed forces were more vicious as the training itself, but Lassarha, being Lassarha, had made it to the rank of marine ship captain regardless.

As she admired her bridge, behind Lassarha, a familiar voice called out, "You've created shitstorms in the Senate before, Lassarha, but none like this!"

Lassarha turned to face the speaker, "Thank you, Yezalax, for pointing out the obvious — after all, being the captain of a ship that I more-or-less command, that is your entire job, isn't it?" was her reply, as she addressed the only other Tekran on her ship — and a Tekran who was in the military, no less. Lassarha's eyes locked with those of her aged friend, whose purple irises blazed with admiration, subservience, and, to no small extent, brilliance; the honorary military garb that the Ineffable's captain wore was impressive, certainly, but it paled in comparison to the man who wore it — the most loyal soldier Lassarha had ever had the pleasure to know.

Yezalax, his sharp features forming a clear grin, then snapped to a salute-bow, asking, "So then, my noble consul has commanded we go to Tehkria next?"

"Yes, we're going home. By the Empire, I've had enough of Earth for a lifetime."

"Haven't we all," replied Yezalax, coming out of his bow with all the grace lent to him by his century of experience in the navy. Turning back to the rest of the bridge with such speed that his uniform's gilded cape almost danced in the air, Yezalax announced, "Helm! Take us and the fleet back to Tehkria — there can be no better base to launch a campaign against the corrupt!"

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