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Writing this book has taken nearly three years of work, but these years were not spent alone. From emotional support, to instruction, to advice, to editing my book, a number of people have played a critical role in getting Humanity Endures to where it is today; without you all, this would not exist, and I cannot thank you enough. Firstly, I must thank my magnificent parents: from the very beginning, not only were they supportive of this project, but they encouraged me to improve and work on it — not only did they improve my book, but they improved me, and for that I shall always be in their debt. Wherever things became difficult, or progress stifled, they were there for me; not only did they help me persevere, but they taught me how to do so myself, and those lessons are the kindest thing one can receive. Words cannot express how grateful I am for their support, or how much it made my day when they said they enjoyed a draft of my novel; it is my pleasure to have written this with them at my side. I must secondly and sincerely thank James Armstrong, my grandfather, who was gracious enough to comprehensively edit my novel. Working with him was not only entertaining, and not only productive, but it was educational; neither my novel nor my skills in English would be where they are now without him. He is an exceptional teacher. My other grandparents provided ample encouragement and support, I'm thankful for their kindness, and I'm proud to have finally given them the novel they've been anticipating. Lastly, I cannot conclude my thanks without mentioning my friends and teachers at Oak Bay High School, who have been waiting for this book for some time now: from sharing the early versions of this with others, to inspiring me to redouble my efforts, to all the times where they made dreary, repetitive existence all the more bearable, they have been an invaluable pillar of my life. Everyone mentioned has supported me and my book in ways that a simple paragraph at the end of this novel cannot do justice to, and my appreciation for your myriad efforts is as vast as this book. Thank you, everyone: it's been an honor, and a pleasure.

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