Chapter 2

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Hey! I'm back!

Now before we get to the next chapter, there are 2 things I need to address….make that 3 things.

Firtly: thank you to those who added this story to their favourites, it means a lot to me!

Secondly: someone asked me why there was no warning about femichi, so I'd like to explain why. Yes, Karasu is female ichigo but she isn't "Ichigo" anymore. The memories are there but they become two different people, it will become clearer later in the story. So, from now on I'd like you to remember that.

Lastly: I felt the need to tell you there will be a love triangle in this story, but I won't tell you who. You're gonna have to guess!

Disclaimer: I will never own Bleach or Percy Jackson.


Chapter 1: Kaiyo's POV

Hey! The name's Yuudai Kaiyo, but I guess you already knew that, huh?

Anyway, back to the story….

It's been 3 days since Reiou left us in Karakura Town (somehow I now know Japanize). Downside is, Karasu has been unusually broody….kinda reminds me of Hades, I wonder if it's a death god thing? This is why I've decided to surprise her by making blue pancakes for breakfast! It was an awesome plan…in theory.

Clang! "Hades!" I cried out in pain.

You would think after 2 wars and years of watching my mom make blue pancakes, this would be a walk in the park….but nooooo the pan just had to fall….On. My. Foot!

"Kai! Are you okay?! What happened?" Karasu yelled out as she ran down stairs and into our – currently messy – kitchen. Her eyes sparkled with amusement as I stared at her like ä kid caught with his hand in the cookie jar. "Good morning?" I say with a shrug, "Yuudai!" she whined, "Why aren't you dressed yet!? School starts in half an hour!" I blinked, "School?" I asked utterly confused. "Yes, school" she answered, gesturing down to her grey school uniform. I stared at her a bi then it clicked, "Holy Hera, school! I'm gonna be late!" I screamed as I ran upstairs to get dressed. I heard Karasu laugh as I went. So much for pancakes…..

We made it to school just in time (we were actually an hour early….an hour!). Karasu left me at the gate to catch my breath so she could find our class.

"Uhm, are you okay?" a voice asked softly. I looked up and saw….big….."Huh?" "Kaiyo! Come on, I know here we're supposed to…ah, uhm, hi" Karasu said as she ran back. "Oh! Hi, my name's Inoue Orihime, anata ni kudasai ni*" she, Oríhime, said with a smile." I'm Akuma Karasu and that idiot's Yuudai Kaiyo" Karasu replied with a smile. I looked at Orihime then back at Karasu. "Did I miss something?" I asked, but they happily ignored me. "So, Karasu-chan, what class are you in?" asked Oihime."1-D, you?" came Kara's bright reply. "Me too! Come on, I know the way!"

Orihime lead us too room 139. The whole time Kara and Orihime chatted happily. I can honestly say I never expected Karasu to fit in so easily. I mean, yeah I know we're in the past and that Karasu has some connections to this world after spending 3days with a brooding roommate, seeing her smiling and laughing was kinda weird…. Don't tell her I said that.

Orihime introduced us to Tatsuki who happened to be her childhood friend and protector apparently. Tatsuki then introduced me to Mizuro and Keigo, 'cause apparently the girls needed to talk. Whatever he Hades that was about, I don't know. I just thank my lucky stars I got away while i could.

"So, Kaiyo…what's it like having a hot girl as a roommate? "Keïgo said in a whisper. I looked at him and blinked what in Aphrodite's name I he talking about. "I don't get it" I finally answered. Keigo gasped, looking as if I kicked is puppy, weird. Mizuro actually looked up from his phone, to look at me curiously, "You're truly oblivious, aren't you?" he stated. What the Hades is their problem?!

Then two guys walked up to us.

One was dark skinned, had short curly brown hair, he kinda reminded me of Becondorf, and did I mention he was tall, and I mean really, really tall. The other as built similarly to me, with tanned skin, bright orange (like traffic cone orange), honey-brown eyes and a scowl…..I wonder what pissed him off.

"Hey guys" orange said as giant grunted in greeting, must be the strong silent type. "I-i-i-i-i-c-c-c-c-h-h-h-h-i-i-i-i-go!" Keio cried jumping forward only to get punched in the face by orange. Ouch! "Good morning Ichigo, Chad" Mizuro said, turning back to his phone. I bravely decided to introduce myself, I mean orange is kinda scary for a mortal," Uhm, hi, the names Yuudai Kaiyo"

Wow, I will never get used to that, I mean come on! Percy Jackson just rolled off the tongue so easily! No! Bad Kaiyo!

I thought all this in the 2 seconds it took me to hold out my hand. Orange looked at my hand then shook it," Kurosaki Ichigo, that's Chad by the way" oran-ha-ha-Ichigo said pointing to the giant who nodded. It was at the moment that the girls came over. "Who are your friends, Kai?" Karasu asked sweetly, too sweetly," this Chad and Ichigo" I answered as Ichigo said, "Hi". Karasu smiled mischievously, oh Holy Hera, she's planning something! "Hey there Strawberry. Name's Akuma Karasu", she said with a bow. Ichigo's eye twitched at the strawberry bit. I laughed, "Where on Tartarus did you get that from, Kara?!"Ichigo sighed and Karasu huffed, this caused the others to burst out laughing," What? What I say?!" they just laughed more; even Ichigo, Chad and Karasu cracked a smile.

After school, Karasu dragged me in the opposite direction of our house. "Yo Kara! Where we heading?" I asked, but she just smiled saying "You'll see"


It feels as if I've been walking or ages!

Karasu came to a stop in front of a dodgy old shack called, "Urahara's shop". "Cool place" I s sarcastically, Karasu just smirked and rolled her eyes. Karasu entered the shop, walked right up to the big scary guy behind the counter(looked more like a box with a register on it, if you ask me) and said," Hello, I'm here to see Urahara Kisuke, tell him it's urgent" l came to stand beside Karasu as Scary guy watched us carefully. I tensed slightly, ready to attack at a moment's notice.

Then a burst of warm, comforting energy filled the room. It reminded me of Hestia, warm, kind, welcoming but powerful, very powerful. Ï relaxed slightly when realised it was coming from Karasu (that was shocking). Scary guy looked shocked then said seriously, "Follow me, please". He then lead us to the back(which was actually a house) then to a room where a weird guy in a weird green outfit and an even weirder green-and-white striped hat was drinking tea with a… cat?

"Boss, you have guests" Scary guy said then left. "Oh! What do I owe the pleasure of meeting such interesting people~!"Hat said with a smile. Karasu sat down and I joined her shortly afterwards at the small round coffee table.

Then the strangest thing happened….

The air round Karasu changed what once was warm and welcoming was suddenly cold and seemed to scream insanity. I looked at Karasu, noticing the bored expression that, frankly, scared me. An image of a glowing red giant and a figure shroud in darkness flashed before my eyes. I closed my eyes and shook my head then focused on Karasu's bright gold eyes, reminding myself that I wasn't there anymore, that isn't my life anymore. Karasu glanced at me briefly and smiled sadly as if she knew what was going through my head, then turned back to Hat. "I know who you are, Urähara Kisuke, former captain of the 12th division, founder of the research and development department and creator of the Hougouko." She said in dull a tone. Hat's smile fell, "Who are you?" he said seriously. Karasu smirked, "My names Akuma Karasu, this is Yuudai Kaiyo. I'm here to discuss a common enemy" "And who might that be?" Karasu's grinned a Joker like grin, which sent shivers down my spine, "Aizen Sousuke and Yhwach, the Quincy king"

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