Chapter 6

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I don't own bleach or percy Jackson


Chapter 5: Karasu's POV

It's been a two days since the Hollow incident and things seem to be calming down…..well I think they are anyway. Let me explain. Rukia is moody because she thinks the other shinigami are on their way and that Ichigo's in danger, if you ask me she should be more worried about the shinigami than Ichigo, and that's not because I trust his skills. Ishida is trying to become Ichigo's friend/rival, I never realised how weird it looked until I watched him trying, ah good times. Ichigo's being Ichigo and Kaiyo's being weird. I mean seriously, he's being extremely jumpy if I wasn't so worried I would actually laugh.

Anyway, I'm currently hiding in the tree line on the road I first met Renji and Byakuya. I'm also beginning to wonder if I'm waiting on the right place. If I'm on the wrong spot it ruins everything. At that exact moment, Rukia ran pass. How did I miss that?! Less than a second later I felt Renji's presence. I watched silently as they talked, if I didn't know them liked I did I would have been surprised to hear about their relationship. I sensed Byakuya before I saw him, but I still felt the need to hug the silent noble. After Rukia had… I promised myself I wouldn't think of the past. I turned my attention back to the fight and realised I just missed Ishida's grand entrance but I did get to hear his reasons for being there. It took all my will power not to laugh when he said,"It's not like I sensed a shinigami and decided to investigat, bring along a plastic bag to use an excuse."

After that, I forced myself not to look as Ishida was defeated by Renji. Luckily Ichigo and Kaiyo arrived before Renji killed Ishida.

I smiled at their introduction, they had been working on it for a while and it was all Kaiyo's idea…surprisingly. Ichigo introduced himself as Thantos and Kaiyo introduced himself as Poseidon. I was supposed to introduce myself as Athena or Artemis; we're still figuring it out. I was so lost in thought that I missed Renji release his zanpukuto. I glanced around the tree and noticed that Kaiyo was treating Ishida's injures; I guess I made an impact when I made then learn first aid.

I watched the fight continue until Byakuya made his first move. I knew that it was almost time to reveal myself. Then it happened, Byakuya struck the source of Ichigo's powers, releasing the power given to him by Rukia. Rukia ran forward to help Ichigo and Renji ran forward to stop her, before he could touch her, Kaiyo ran forward and kicked Renji in the face. "I hope you didn't forget about me Pineapple!" he said as he landed. Now, I had to act now.

I flashstepped to Ichigo's side. Enjoying the looks of surprise. "Who are you?" Asked Byakuya

"No one important" I answered as I placed my hand on Ichigo's head," Just a concerned friend but if you must know my name…" I glanced at Kaiyo and smiled,"…it's Athena" I stood up straight. "Don't you have some place to be?"

Before anyone could say anything else Byakuya turned away and said, " Renji, Rukia let's go"

"Wait!" Ichigo yelled, but before he could as anything else I slammed the heel of my foot into his neck and knocked him out. "Ichigo!" Rukia yelled. Everyone look at me in shook, "Don't you have some where to be Shinigami?" I said slowly.

Byakuya looked at renji and said "Renji" to which he replied," yes sir!" I watched as Renji opened the doorway to Soul Sociaty. Rukia walked forward, I'm surprised Kai didn't stop her. I glanced over questioningly, to which Kai just smiled and nodded. He trusted me. He knew I had a plan and was ready to follow. I smirked, "Hey Shinigami" I said, "If you ever lay a hand on Ichigo again and you aren't his opponent…I'll kill you personally" I smiled sweetly.

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