Chapter 3

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Hey! I'm back!

Sorry for the long wait, it took me a while to get this right.

Thanks to all my fans, I won't leave you hanging, promise!

Disclaimer: I don't own Bleach or Percy Jackson


Chapter 2: Karasu's POV

Hey, it's Karasu if you haven't already figured it out.

Anyway, it's been 4 months since we first came here and in that time we've already become best friends with this world's Ichigo. I guess the ability to spirits comes in handy.

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Right now, we're having a 'study' session at Ichigo's. Just so you know, we weren't doing anything funny. We just use studying as an excuse to hang out. "Okay, so let me get this straight, you the or ange haired delinquent, who wears a constant scowl, beats up bullies, sees the undead and you read Shakespeare!? What the Hades man!?" Kaiyo asked as he looked through the box we found un der Ichigo's bed. It was pure coincidence that we were doing a report on Macbeth…

Just kidding!

I may or may not have, anonymously, told kaiyo about the box when we got the report….don't tell Ichigo!

"Shut up, water boy" Ichigo growled. And with that they launched into another verbal fight which quickly leads to an actual fight…. boys.

I giggled softly at the mini wrestling match then silently pulled out a box of cookies from my bag, "How about a cookie before you kill each other?" I asked a little too sweetly….Ichigo and kaiyo stopped, looked at the cookies, then to each other, back to the cookies and back again, "Truce?" Ichigo asked. "Truce" agreed kaiyo. They each grabbed a cookie and started munching.

"Way to go King! Ya got 'em pretty boys wrapped around ya little finger!" "Mother always said the away to a man's heart is through his stomach …oh, and Mugetsu, Shut up." I thought back as my annoy ing zanpukto called out. He did nothing but laugh at my reply….sometimes I really hate the voices in my head.

Then something caught my eye.

"What's that?" I asked, pointing towards the desk. The boys looked over, "A black swallow tail butter fly…." Ichigo muttered clearly confused. Then a girl walked through the wall, but not just any girl. This was Kuchiki Rukia. "It's near" she said ominously. "Hey, who are you?!" ichigo demanded but Rukia ignored him. "Oi, shorty! Are you deaf?" questioned Kaiyo. I watched silently as she looked around, "Guys…I think she's a spirit"

Now before we continue, I'd like to say that this sudden revelation had nothing to do with the fact that I knew who Rukia was. You see after I came to this timeline I discovered that, even though my sensing abilities were still non-existent, I could identify anything near me. Basically my reister now acted like a net or bat's sonar. This caused Mugetsu to tease me endlessly about a certain bat es pada.

"Ghost my ass!" Ichigo said suddenly.

I must have spaced out…oops.

Ichigo then kicked Rukia, sending her flying into the opposite wall. Rukia stared at ichigo wide eyed and stuttered, "Y-y-y-y-y-you j-just kicked me!" "Yeah I did so?" "Interesting. The living aren't sup posed to see me, you must be defective." Rukia said all this while pulling ichigo's cheeks to find the problem….i tried not to laugh at his predicament. "What do you mean 'defective' shorty? I mean, yeah, ichigo's a little weird but then again so are you" Kaiyo said as he slapped her hands away. Again I had to hold in my laughter when I saw both Rukia and Ichigo's eye twitch. Luckily Rukia got over the height comment and said, "You can see me too?" "We all can." I said from my spot on the floor," What are you?"

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