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YOONGI LET OUT A LAUGH, LEANING BACK IN HIS SEAT. He took a sip of his wine and sighed contently.

It was a little past 11:00 that night. Hoseok and Namjoon had arrived around 8:00, and together, the three of them slipped into Yoongi's home studio and worked non stop for three hours, coming up with new beats. It was exhilarating, to be back in the studio, even if it wasn't the ones at his company. He hadn't felt this kind of a rush in years.

He could tell that Namjoon and Hoseok felt the same way. He knew that Hoseok could be energetic, but he'd never seen him this hyped in such a long time. He was coming up with new ideas left and right, that Yoongi and Namjoon had a hard time keeping up with him. Even Namjoon was feeling it. It all felt so natural, the three of them sitting in the studio, doing what they loved best.

By the time 11:00 had rolled around, they'd come up with Cypher pt. 2 and the basis for part three. They all filed out of the room, and into Yoongi's kitchen where he poured three glasses of wine. They moved out onto the deck, enjoying the night.

"God damn, I missed that feeling," Hoseok said, taking a large sip of his wine, and tucking his legs underneath him. "Anyone else get chills from being in there?"

"I know I did," Namjoon agreed, sighing contently. "That was long overdue."

"It was," Yoongi agreed, sipping his wine again.

"I haven't felt that in years," Hoseok added. "Rayne says I need to make music more often otherwise I get pent up, and I guess she was right,"

At the mention of Hoseok's girlfriend, the image of Jimin popped into his head. "Hoseok?" Yoongi questioned, putting his drink down. "Do you know Jimin? Someone mentioned that he was Rayne's friend,"

"So you've met him then?" Hoseok said with a cheeky grin. Yoongi shot his friend a look, earning him a loud laugh from Hoseok. "What? Don't give me that look, I know you think he's cute,"

"It's not like that," Yoongi countered, but he could feel his face heating up. Thank god it was dark. Hoseok could read him like a book when it came to men. "He's my secretary, I was just wondering what you knew about him, that's all,"

"Sure," Namjoon muttered, sipping his wine.

"Seriously you two, keep it professional, I don't even know the kid!"

But that was lie. Yoongi was pretty damn sure he knew Jimin, he just couldn't remember where he had met him. He thought that by asking Hoseok he might be able to figure it out, because it'd been driving him mad all afternoon.

"Jimin's a sweet kid," Hoseok stated, putting his wine down. "He's thoughtful and kind. Very organized, he's mad my job a lot more easier. Rayne wasn't kidding when she said he was good at secretarial work, which is insane because he's never done it before."

"Yeah, that's the shocking part," Yoongi replied. "I just...what else can you tell me about him?" Yoongi asked.

"Why do you wanna know so much about Jimin?" Namjoon teased. "I get that he's your secretary but I thought we were keeping it professional?"

"I swear I know him from somewhere," Yoongi explained. "He looks familiar,"

"Go to any clubs recently?" Hoseok asked.

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