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JIMIN LET OUT A HEAVY SIGH AS HE CARRIED THE BOX OUT OF HIS OFFICE. Well, it wasn't his office anymore. Yoongi had officially hired a new secretary who was due to start at the beginning of next month. Until then, Jimin wouldn't continue helping Yoongi out. He only had two weeks to go.

He didn't want to look back as he made his way to the elevator. He knew he would cry. He cried when he quit the club, not because he was sad that that chapter of his life had ended, but because he was so happy that it was over. Jimin had loved that club because it let him dance. But he also hated the stigma that came with working there. He hated the way people looked at him, and how dirty it made him feel most times. This was different. Jimin knew that these would be sad tears. That small office space is what had started it all. It had been his home away from home for almost a year. And it broke his heart to say goodbye.

So much had happened over the past year, and Jimin felt like he was living a dream life.

He'd gotten a new job as a secretary.

He rekindled with an old high school friend/crush who just so happened to own the company he worked for and who just so happened to be his new boss.

They'd fallen in love with each and recently, Jimin had moved in with him.

He'd been given the chance to audition to be a trainee for Yoongi's company. He'd succeeded in becoming a training and was able to quit the club. And now? Now he was three months shy of debuting with his best friends and he couldn't be happier. Part of him was so afraid that he'd wake up one day and everything would all be lie. Or that something was waiting around the corner to fuck it all up. He felt so grateful for everything that had happened to him.

The elevator ride down to the car park was silent. Jimin still felt as if he was going to cry. They'd be happy tears of course but still...Yoongi was waiting for him in the car when he arrived. He opened the back door silently and slid the box into the backseat. The same backseat the fucked on all those months ago. Jimin didn't hear Yoongi get out of the car and almost screamed. Yoongi let out a deep chuckled at Jimin's reaction, which earned him a smack to the chest from his pouty boyfriend.

"Not funny," Jimin whined as Yoongi pulled him in for a hug. Jimin immediately pressed his face against Yoongi's neck and sighed deeply.

"How are you?" Yoongi asked, rubbing his back soothingly.

"I've never been better," Jimin replied, contently as he closed his eyes. "I'm just...this is a lot for me to take in right now. Everything is changing for me and I can't keep up," he confessed.

Yoongi let out another laugh and kissed the top of his head. "That's exactly how I felt when I started climbing in the music industry. It was one thing after the next qnd with my business it just...it consumed my life and I didn't even know how much of it was real because every little thing felt like a dream y'know?"

"Exactly!" Jimin agreed. "I can't tell if this is a fantasy or if it's real life,"

"This is real baby boy," Yoongi stated, hooking a finger under Jimin's chin and raising his head so he could look at him. He bent down and gently kissed him. The younger tasted strongly of mint. Jimin brought a hand up and kissed Yoongi's cheek pulling him into him.

"I love you Min Yoongi,"

"And I love you so much more Park Jimin,"


"THERE HE IS! THE MAN BEHIND THE NAME, THE MYTH AND LEGEND! IT'S PARK JIMIN!" Jungkook roared as Jimin entered the studio the following morning, tired and still half asleep. He didn't understand where the younger got his energy or how, but Jungkook was wide awake compared to the rest of them. Taehyung looked ready to strangle his boyfriend as Jimin took a seat next to Jin and lent into his side.

"Good morning sleepy head," Jin said, throwing an arm around Jimin's shoulder.

"Morning," Jimin replied with a yawn. "What's the game plan?"

"Just more song writing, possible getting around to recording that other song that we agreed was going to go on the album. We have a few more songs to record this week and then we're moving on to filming the teaser trailer and music video," Jin explained.

"Yeah but we're still waiting on Rayne to show up with coffee," Taehyung added with a loud yawn.

"You could have made coffee before we left home," Jungkook said, shaking his head at his boyfriend.

"You didn't wake me up in time," Taehyung grumbled back.

"It's called an alarm babe," Jungkook teased.

While the two boys bickered, Jimin let his head fall back against the couch and shut his eyes. His body was still getting used to pulling long hours again. Since quitting the club, he'd been pulling shorter days. Now that they were in the last three months before their debut, they were working a lot more harder to make sure everything went smoothly for the future and that they stayed on track. Jimin did, however, wish they he got to stay in bed a little longer. He longed for being at home with Holly and Momo and Yoongi, all curled up in bed together.

In the time that it took Rayne to arrive, Jimin had fallen fast asleep against Jin. Taehyung had briefly fallen asleep as well, but woke up when he heard Rayne enter the room.

Rayne herself looked dog tired as she sat the coffees down on the table and flopped down next to a sleeping Jimin and lent against his side. Jimin stirred and opened one eye. He seemed disgruntled about being woken up.

"It's gonna be a long day isn't it?" Taehyung yawned. Everyone nodded their head in agreement.

"I can't wait to go home," Jimin mumbled tiredly.

"You can say that again,"

jesus it's been like....3 weeks???? since I last updated. (I apologize for such a long wait, school and mental health are currently kicking my ass right now.) don't forget to drink water, eat something and stay healthy loves

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