o22 (m)

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you see this ^ m? it means mature.



JIMIN WAS IN ABSOLUTE AWE OF YOONGI'S HOUSE. He'd never seen something so beautiful up close before. It was a little hard to make out in the rain but he could make out most of it to tell that it was a gorgeous looking house.

Yoongi parked outside and killed the engine before glancing at Jimin. "Fancy right?" Yoongi mumbled. Jimin nodded, not taking his eyes off the outside. "I don't know why I bought it to be honest. It's too big. I think I only bought it because of how quiet it was out here."

"You were never a fan of crowds," Jimin responded, eyes still glued to the house.

"No. I wasn't." Yoongi undid his seatbelt and popped his door open. "Inside we go," he said.

Jimin scrambled out of his side of the car, things clutched in his hands as he followed Yoongi inside. The interior of the house was simple yet just as element ad the outside. There was a large, twisting staircase to the left of them, while the right half was open concept.  There were several doors and a hallway that obviously let to other places. He could hear the sound of nails clicking against tile and both he and Yoongi peered upwards to see a tiny dog come hurling down the stairs and rushing over to their sides. Jimin watched in awe as Yoongi knelt down and patted the dog. "Miss me?" He murmured. "I brought a friend with me,"

Jimin smiled softly. "He's cute,"

"This is Holly," he said, scooping the dog up to Jimin's height. "He's my baby,"

"I thought I was your baby," Jimin whispered under his breath.

"You caught that huh?" Yoongi smirked, setting the dog back down. Jimin's face went red. He went to reply but Yoongi hand was wrapping around his wrist and pulling him towards the stairs. He let go once the began to ascend.

Jimin followed him silently upstairs and nearly tripped on the final step when he noticed that Yoongi was untucking his shirt and pulling it up over his head, exposing his back. The man tossed it on the ground and ran his hand through his hair. Jimin was left drooling over his back muscles.

Yoongi let him into a large bedroom at the end of the hall. "You can put your stuff there," he said pointing to an empty chair. "I'll find you something to sleep in."

Jimin set his things down in one go and turned to Yoongi. "I'm sorry," he rushed out, so that Yoongi wouldn't interrupt. "I shouldn't have yelled at you that day,"

Yoongi, who had been rummaging through a dresser for a pair of sweats, stopped and faced Jimin. It was hard for the younger to concentrate because Yoongi was shirtless but he snapped out of his daze. "Jimin, if anyone should be apologizing it's me. I yelled at you for absolutely no reason. I said things to you that I shouldn't have and that weren't true," Yoongi took a few steps forward to Jimin. "I was so stressed out and I took my anger out on you. I'm so sorry. I've been driving myself crazy trying to fix things between us and-"

"I know," Jimin said, coming forward. "I read every text, I listened to every voicemail you left me. I know about the missing file and how it was on your computer. I've listen to you say you're sorry over and over and over again when you shouldn't have had to if I wasn't so god damn stubborn and had just called you back."

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