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Yoongi placed a hand on the small of Jimin's back and nudged him down the hallway, shooting back glares at anyone who dared look at Jimin in an unfriendly way.

Jimin was undoubtedly nervous, as today was the day he went through with his audition. Yoongi had personally driven him to work with him this morning, and stayed by his side since the moment they arrived. It was the only time people really saw the two interact outside of a professional manner. Yoongi and Jimin stuck to a strict policy of acting like coworkers and not lovers when in the building, but many found it quite sweet seeing the way Yoongi interacted with Jimin. He spoke in soft tones, kept on hand either on his shoulder or waist in a calming manner and occasionally would rub his back when it seemed like his nerves were getting the best of him. Nobody could deny the fact that Jimin brought out the best in Yoongi. He was more calm with him around and they complimented one another.

But as of now, over protective boyfriend mode had been activated and the two made their way to the studio in which his audition would take place. Nobody dared say anything bad about the idea of it, even if they didn't like the idea. Jimin could tell that there were several trainees and upcoming artists that didn't enjoy the fact that Jimin had just been given an audition because he was dating Yoongi, and could often be found whispering among themselves. However, for the sake of their jobs, they kept their mouths shut today.

Rayne was standing outside the door, waiting for them to arrive. She looked just as nervous as he did, and was chewing on one of her nails. Hoseok stood behind her with hands on her shoulders. He offered Jimin a warm smile. They weren't alone, standing outside that studio. Namjoon was there, along with Jin and Taehyung. Jimin wondered where Jungkook was but was suddenly tackled into a bone crushing hug. "Good luck," Jungkook whispered in his ear.

"Thanks Kookie," Jimin replied, smiling softly in return as the younger pulled out of the hug.

"You're welcome. Now go knock 'em dead, okay?"

"Yeah Chim, you got this!" Tae cheered, giving him one of his boxy smiles.

Rayne threw her arms around Jimin and squeezed him tightly. "You're going to be amazing," she breathed. "I have total faith in you."

"Thank you," he whispered back.

"You can do this,"

Jin stoped him next and placed both hands on his shoulders. "Don't forget to breathe, and to move around. Don't stress about it too much, have fun. It's only an audition, not the end of the world. We're all cheering for you,"

"Thanks Jin,"

"Make us proud Jimin,"

Jimin turned around to face Yoongi who didn't hesitate to open his arms. Jimin snaked his arms around Yoongi's waist for a last minute hug. As the two broke apart, a young woman opened the studio door. She was tall, with blonde hair that fell well past her waist.

"Park Jimin?" She asked.

"That's me," Jimin mumbled, waving slightly at her.

"Jimin, this is Kay," Namjoon spoke, introducing the two of them. "She typically over sees female auditions, but has made the exception for you today,"

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