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JIMIN STORMED FROM YOONGI'S OFFICE NEARLY ON THE BRINK OF TEARS. Several members of Yoongi's staff watched him hurry from the room and down the hall towards the elevators.

He clenched his hands into fists and squeezed his eyes shut for the duration of the ride back down to his floor. Tears threatened to fall but Jimin kept them back by scrunching up his nose and squeezing his eyes shut even harder.

As he reached his floor, he took deep breaths, his hands shaking as he made his way back to his mini office area. He didn't dare look anybody in the eye as he did so, and prayed that Kimi wasn't around. He didn't know if he'd have it in him to tell her he quit. Especially at a time like this.

Fortunately for him, she wasn't, meaning he could gather up his things in peace. He did so quickly and quietly, wanting to be out of the building as fast as possible. He didn't want to be there any longer than he had to be. He took deep breaths trying to regulate his breathing. He was struggling to breathe. He shoved his things in his bag, and slipped outside of the room. He weaved his way through the crowd of people and opted against the elevator. He dipped into the stairwell and hurried down several flights of stairs. Only when Jimin back outside in the sun and fresh air did he let out a huge sigh, tears spilling down his heels, was able to breathe again.

He sat at the back of the bus all the way home, with his head down. The ride was terrible. He didn't even have his phone to block out the noise of the people and city with music. It was pure hell. This was the worst day of his life. He felt miserable. He'd failed Rayne, he'd failed Kimi. He'd failed Hoseok and Namjoon and the company but the worst feeling of them all was that he had failed Yoongi. It was a gut wrenching feeling leaving him sick to his stomach. It wasn't the first time Jimin had failed someone. He'd failed himself...his family....

Slipping into his apartment, he dropped his bag and kicked the door shut. Momo greeted him with a meow and hopped off the couch to greet him but Jimin passed right by her. "Not now Momo, okay? It's not a good time,"

He unbuttoned his shirt and tossed it on the floor as he trekked to the bathroom. He turned the tap on in the tub and let it run hot before putting in the plug. He stripped himself while the tub filled with water and bubbles and when it was almost on the verge of overfilling, Jimin climbed it, leaning back and closing his eyes.

The hot water felt great against his skin, and helping him relax. He tried to think about anything other than todays events. He thought about dance and the time he and Rayne took a day trip to Seoul when they were younger. They'd just started working together at a lesser club before actually moving into the city and working for a new one. He thought about the day he first got Momo. She'd been a tiny kitten and very fluffy.

It took some time but eventually, Jimin managed to calm his nerves as he laid in the water soaking up the warmth.

He stayed till all the bubbles were gone. The water was ice cold by then and he was shriveled like a prune. Shivering, he wrapped himself in a towel and headed for his bedroom for a pair of clean clothes.

He slipped into a pair of comfy sweats and an oversized t-shirt and came back into the living room. Momo mowed at him and lifted her head. "I'm sorry I was mean earlier," Jimin sighed at the cat. "I had a rough day."

Momo meowed again. "Do you forgive me?"

Momo hopped off the couch and padded over to him, rubbing he face against his leg and purring as a sign of affection. Jimin scooped the cat into his arms and nuzzled his face against her fur. "I love you too Momo"

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