Chapter 8

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Hellooooo readers! well if you still exist... Alright so ummm I've been gone for a while. Scratch that practically a year. But that doesn't matter. I just wanna thank the readers that have stayed with me and shattered throughout this very long hiatus. Good news though is that all past chapters are now edited so you can go back and re-read those if you want to. Anyways I know you just want the chapter so here we go!


Chapter 8

Mist began shifting nervously as she watched the strange girl melt into the shadows with a smirk. She slowly started turning to try and get a glimpse of the girl.

Emerald smirked as Mist attempted to find her and slowly began making her way through the slithering shadows directly behind the girl. She held out her hand and watched in disinterest as a small ball of crackling purple and black energy began to form. She suddenly paused as she remembered the odd boy's words...what was his name? Right Jasper! He had asked for her to not kill her. Emerald sighed and looked at the ball of energy and smiled darkly to herself, "Kill? Nooo, I would never, maybe mildly maul but that's the best outcome of course.", she softly spoke to herself, then proceed to burst from the shadows in an explosive phase and lobbed the ball at Mist's feet. She watched in satisfaction as the ball exploded in a burst of darkness. Emerald watched in the air, beating her giant 6 foot wings ,that had slithering tendrils of darkness falling out, as Mist slowly tried to stand again. She had been thrown back and fell from the explosion.

Mist growled in frustration as she attempted to stand. That blast had been strong, very strong. She hadn't even seen where the wretch had come from! She suddenly glanced and watched in growing anger as the girl just watched her in mild amusement and slowly beat giant ragged angel wings. Mist noticed the long tendrils of shadowy energy that slowly leaked and dripped from the insides of the wings. As the energy fell towards the ground it would resemble a falling feather before dissipating completely.  Mist growled again and finally dragged herself to her feet and threw her hand holding her sword in an overhand arc witch sent out a blast of bright blue crystals and water towards the flying pest.

She watched in frustration as she simply adjusted her wings and swerved a bit away from the water and ice crystals coming her way. The girl smirked and threw her arm in an arc as a long blade of crackling black energy came towards Mist.  Mist didn't even have time to doge, the attack was so fast. She could only scream as the energy came in contact directly with her chest. The feeling of the hit could only be described as being so cold that it burned intensely. Mist slid across the floor until she hit a wall and groaned in pain. She heard footsteps and tried to rise up but a booted foot landed on her chest. Surprisingly it was red not black like she had expected. She glanced up and saw that it was Flare holding her down. "Stand down Mist.", Flare glared hard at Mist as the other girl walked up. "Come on." Flare grabbed Mist ,slung her arm around her shoulder ,and left the gym. Jasper cheerily spoke up, "Welp, that went well."  Emerald glanced over in his direction and smirked at the easy win that she had just accomplished. 


And thats it! I will update as soon as I get with Shattered again to figure out what he's doin. He's been lazy lately. Although I have no room to talk. Anyways you guys are great and stay reading ^_^

Also I'll try to reply if you post a comment. 


Finally done with edits ^_^ Leave your thoughts below of the chapter if you want.

Edited: 3/19/15

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