Chapter 4

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13 leaned against a nearby tree. "So what's a little bird like you doing out here in the middle of this nasty swamp?" he inquired, his voice sounded as if it was being played through an old radio. He watched the young girl in front of him ,and studied her for the first time. She had a ghostly pale complexion along with dead pale yellow eyes that were as cold as a glacier. She stood at about 5'9 with long dull black hair that hung limply around her head. The oddest thing about her though was the long black and grey wings that protruded from her back. All in all she looked like she was dead.

She looked up at 13 and replied in a bored voice," I was actually on my way out of this town, so that I could make my way onto the next." 13 hummed, " Interesting...But what what do you plan on doing once you get there?" , he inquired. The young girl thought the question over and replied back to him, "What I always do in a city. Pass through, observe everything, and keep moving." She cocked her head to the side and added onto her last sentence. "But I don't see what that has to do with you." "That's just it, what you always never deviate from the path, you never improve, nor do you wish to improve. You follow the same boring routine day in and day out. In all the years I've observed you, I have never seen you deviate from this 'set-in-stone' why is that?" he replied. The girl had a flash of shock come across her face before it returned to its normal expression. " You didn't answer my question, but to answer yours... it's so that I go unnoticed, stay gone, stay neutral.", she looked up at him and locked her pale yellow eyes on him, "So that I'm never discovered.", she continued. "Not everyone wants to run around in spandex as a 'hero' or go blowing people up with a idiotic cape on calling themselves a 'villain', some of us just want peace and quiet after all they have gone through.", she finished with a huff. "A noble idea...but there's no such thing for us...what do the kids call us nowadays? mutants? hah...but to answer your earlier question...this has everything to do with you know what I do in life?" he inquired.

" No I don't because I don't go around watching people like you." She said back to him. "Now now Emerald let's not jump to conclusions, I don't just watch people, I kill them too." 13 replied darkly. She cocked her head sideways and smirked, "Then I guess we have a couple of things in common." , as she finished her sentence, 13 watched as her eyes went from a there usual dead pale yellow to a deep dangerous gold color that had revenge and hunger swirling in the midst of them. "Oh good now we can have some fun." He replied smugly, still leaning on the tree. She raised one eyebrow and looked at him dully, " Are you suggesting that we waltz into that town right there and go on a killing spree?", she replied dryly. "While that is a very enticing thought, I'm afraid not, I meant you my dear.", he replied as he leaped forward and grabbed onto his scythe...then presuming to hang upside down from the blade. 13 watched as Emerald didn't even flinch when he jumped onto his scythe. "I take that as a challenge I assume?" ,she asked as she looked up at the upside down face of him. "Take it as you will, I'm just speaking out loud." 13 replied, would he had his mask off...Emerald would see the dark smile he gave off. 

Emeralds mouth tugged down in the slightest ,then she raised her right arm and flung it out to the right. A large wave of black crackling energy launched straight towards 13 ,but he didn't even seem phased by the danger that was heading towards him. There was a flash of pure darkness that filled the area for a split second as the energy struck 13. Once the energy dissipated Emerald looked to see 13 was no longer there. She frowned in the slightest. She flung back her dark blue cloak that was now light brown from the crusted up dry mud covering it and freed her wings so that in case it case it came to it she would have her last resort ready. "You missed" 13 called from behind her. Emeralds wings twitched in the slightest before she turned around to see 13 standing on the top of the handle of his scythe, perfectly balanced. She hissed in the slightest frustration then let a large crackling black ring of energy form around her before she let her wings release in the slightest, setting off the shockwave to where it shot out in all directions including towards 13.  "Cute" 13 muttered before all the shockwaves struck him, only to be absorbed instantly by 13. Emerald stopped fighting and just stared at 13.

" I don't see why i'm fighting you when I could just walk away and be on my merry way, so tell me why are you toying with me, why not just finish me off and give me death." she said. "We all deserve it eventually, so why not give it to me now, why fight, when we could just escape into eternal shadows", she muttered. "Because it's fun, plus I think you could be useful." He muttered coldly. The girl glared at him. "No matter what I do it seems that I just can't find death, even in the strongest opponents I can't achieve my one lifetime goal!" , she muttered darkly. She then let loose a giant shockwave that vaporized everything in its path. Her eyes shined a deep gold that burned with  hatred in them before she passed out onto the cold muddy  ground from power exhaustion.

13 hopped down from his scythe, unfazed by the shockwave, and walked towards the passed out girl on the ground. He kneeled down closer to her and studied her form. "You have such potential my angel of darkness...and yet you waste it...perhaps I can help you.." he muttered as he stood up and picked up the girl and slung her over his shoulder before opening a dark portal in the shadow of a tree and stepping through.


Next chapter will be up tomorrow

you know what to do


Not much edited here except for seperation.

Edited: 3/19/15

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