Chapter 3

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Emeralds POV

Emerald stayed in the shadows all the way through the city until she reached the old withered woods on the outskirts of the city. She was just about to wrap her wings around herself and phase out but something felt off. Usually their was a steady slithering whisper sound that the shadows made ,but it was gone.

''Huh, that's odd", she thought. She unraveled her long grey and black wings and let her power flow through them and around her. Long tendrils of slithering black and purple shadows wrapped around her, as she brought her wings closer to herself to complete the phase out. Large cracks of lights broke through the dense black, and then a large picture of a murky swamp appeared in front of her. Emerald unraveled her wings and stepped through the picture. It shimmered and wavered, but finally stabilized and phased her into the middle of the dark murky swamp that was in the middle of the old woods. ''Great now I can't fly.", she looked at her mud and water covered wings and shrugged. "Oh well, at least I made it out of the city.", she said. "Now to find shelter.", she mumbled.

Emerald stepped out the deep mud that made up the swamp and walked onto the shriveled up gray colored grass. She stopped for a second to squeeze out her now brown and blue cloak, when it snagged on a dried out thorn bush. She cursed under her breath when it tore to where it would show the tips of her wings that stopped just at the bend of her knees. "Great, just what I need", she grumbled. "I just need to leave this God forsaken place, I don't need anyone seeing me." "Yes, now that would be quite troubling wouldn't it?" a voice spoke from the shadows of the swamp.

Emerald slowly turned around  trying to find the source of the voice but couldn't find anything.  "Who's out there?", she called out. "Well there's several answers to that question...which do you prefer?" the voice continued. "Hmmm, how about the one where you show yourself." , she growled out getting frustrated at this voice. "I'm already in front of your're just not looking hard enough child." . the voice continued out from the shadows. Emerald mulled over what it said and got a sudden idea. She started to form her power around herself creating a small crackling sound as a ring of black energy formed around her. Small dark purple bolts of it shot off. Emerald smirked to herself and shot her wings out, effectively sending out the amount in a large shockwave towards the shadows. She watched as the wave of crackling black energy collided with the shadow ,but it seemed to just get absorbed instead of dissipating them like she had planned. Her lips pulled down into small frown at the outcome. "Tasty...though it was a little the emotions you're giving off. I can do this all day unless you would like to actually talk ." Emerald's frown deepened by a fraction. "I would love too ,but it seems you don't want to talk'' She said icily. 'This is odd I never get angry or happy or anything. What is this stranger doing to me?'  "To answer the question you just're getting mad because I'm sarcastic, seriously...and I tire of standing in mud so I might as well show myself.", The voice echoed as a figure slipped out from the shadows of the swamp.

Emerald studied the figure for a moment, taking in it's features. The figure was actually very tall...almost slenderman-ish. It's figure was very thin and wiry, he had long flat black hair with bright crimson red highlights. He wore a black trench coat and carried over his shoulder a scythe with what looked to be a 10ft long handle and a 4 1/2 ft long blade that resembled a stretched out trapezoid that curved inwards, at the base of the blade was  two long beaded strings, one ended in a black feather, while the other ended in a small silver bell. But the most notable feature was the mask he wore, it was solid black and it wrapped around his face, covering it completely, it had no mouth or nose spot and where the left eye was there was a dial with different scopes and range finders, which all glowed red, while where the right eye was there was a spot that resembled an upside "half-moon" or "happy-eye". After Emerald finished taking in all of his features she looked up to glowing red 'eyes' of his mask. "  I assume you were listening into my thoughts, and  I wondered that not just because you are annoying me with your idiocy but because I gave up my emotions ages ago.", she grimaced to herself remembering what she did that one stormy night to get rid of her emotions and humanity. "But that's not the point.", she looked up at the figure and asked the question that was bothering her the most. "Who are you?"  "Oh little ol' me? You can call me 13...pleasure to meet you."


okay guys im about to work on chapter 4 so tell me what you think of 13 and what you thought about those few details about Emerald's past


Ok so this one had some issues too, it didn't seem to flow correctly and the grammar was all screwed up. I really don't like Emerald's reactions because they seem choppy and out of character, but that's just my thoughts. Leave your thoughts in the comments.

Edited: 3/19/15

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