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-Holly's PoV-




 Two days. That's how long we have been trying to figure out how to get back to Australia. Ashton and I had went straight to work trying to figure out how to book a flight back to Australia. It will take 24 hours to get back over there, and that's not including the switching of planes in the middle of it. Then we have the constant worry of everyone at the base. We have no clue how they are doing and it doesn't help to know that Steven could be dead and we had no idea of it. The only plus side that I can find to all this is that we don't have to eat. We all know that Ashton would be begging for food every half an hour because he is hungry.

So Ashton and I were supposed to be at the airport tomorrow at 4 AM because that's when the next plan leaves that will give us the fastest route back to Aussie. I have also concluded that Americans are weird. It's like they fry everything here. The guy's house that we are currently in has fast food wrappers everywhere. It's just nasty at this point. Then again, I guess it could just be this guy. I don't know. 

"Hey Holly?" called Ashton from the computer that he was looking at.


"I never really thought about this until yesterday when we were discussing Steven, but what did the angel say right before we were sent crashing down to Earth?" he asked.

I slowly tried to recount the events that led us to that point. We had been helping the gang as usual, but then one of the angels came and proposed that we go back down to Earth. As an option of course and we gladly too it. But thinking back, I didn't really remember what she had said. The only thing I remembered was that she had mentioned that we would be able to see something or something of that sort.

"I don't really remember what she said," I muttered. "I remember her saying that we would be able to see something, but that's about it."

Ashton just nodded his head a little before looking away from me.

"I remember she said something about we had to call when we were ready to leave but nothing else. I just know she said more, but I was so lost when we literally dropped from wherever we were to remember," he sighed, and placed his head in his hands.

I didn't really think that it matter what the angel said. If we couldn't find the gang, we couldn't help them. I had been so caught up in the other things that I didn't even remember what the angel had said at all. The more I thought about it, the more I understood why it was bothering Ashton. It could be something important.

"Hey, don't worry about it. We'll figure it out when the time comes," I murmured as I walked over to where Ashton sat and pulled his hands away from his face.

I stared into his gorgeous hazel eyes for a minute. They never ceased to amaze me. After being with him for so long, just the two of us, you would think that I would be used to seeing them. Yet, here I am getting those stupid butterflies in my stomach all because I'm looking in his eyes. I reached up to brush some of his hair out of his face.

"So, we have to be at the airport tomorrow no later than 3 AM because the flight leaves at 4," Ashton muttered.

I almost laughed. We had been over this too many times. He even made sure that he had maps for us to use in case we got lost. This includes the map for when we're in Aussie. He mapped out our home town and everything. I would hope that I am able to find my way around the place where I grew up. If not, then we are all doomed. Or I would just be very dumb. Take your pick.

"I know baby. We've gone over this," I said, smiling at Ashton.

"It can't hurt to restate so we know what to do," he said. He pulled me onto his lap and wrapped his arms around my waist.

"True," I replied. "But it can annoy the hell out of people."

I smiled at him innocently before he burst out laughing.

"Angel, you love how I annoy you," he said, kissing my nose.

"Maybe," I muttered. "But don't let that go to your head. We all know you have a big ego, and I don't want to deal with it right now," I said, waving my hand at him.

"Oh but guess what?" he asked, smirking at me.

"Need I really guess? I am sure your big mouth would tell me anyway without me having to guess," I stated.

"Ha ha. Very funny," he muttered, sending me a playful glare. "But I am the only one that know how to relieve your stress and aggravation the right way," he said, raising his eyebrows at me with a stupid little smirk plastered across his face.

My eyes when wide and I playfully hit him on the back of the head. He laughed at me as I tried to get out of his grasp, which he kept tight around my waist. I would never admit it out loud, but he really was the only one that could calm me down. And fast.

"You amuse me, love," he murmured into my neck.

"Just you wait Mr. Irwin," I said, turning around so that I was straddling him. "I'm not in need of stress relief yet, and as I recall, you were begging for it just the other night."

My smirk grew wider as his fell from his face.

"You wouldn't dare give me the cold shoulder to sex," he said.

"Watch me," I whispered.

I purposefully adjusted myself on him, making sure to rub against him, before climbing off his lap and walking to the shower. I quickly locked the door, knowing he would jump me in the shower if it was unlocked. I put a towel out on the bathroom counter before starting the water. I heard the door knob move, signaling that Ashton was attempting to get in. I giggled after I heard him groan which was followed by a cuss when he found out that I had locked the door.

"Holly baby? Please open the door?" Ashton pleaded, attempting to sound innocent.

"I don't think so, Mr. Irwin!" I called back before stepping into the shower.

Two can play this game, and I'm pretty sure that I have the upper hand.


Happy New Years everyone!!!!! Hope u all have an amazing 2015!!!

Luv u gois lots <333333

Lizzy xX

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 29, 2015 ⏰

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