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-Brook's PoV-

"We have to do it," I said.

My vision was partly blurry and my headache never seemed to end, even after taking the pain killers Mac had given me.

"No. That's too risky," she mumbled.

"Oh, I didn't think about the danger involved in this," I said sarcastically.

She shot me a glare then continued pacing the room. It was now pretty clear that she was pregnant, but I tried to avoid the topic. I knew she didn't like that it was showing and she hated even more that Michael wasn't here with her. More than that, they hadn't even gotten a chance to get married.

I sighed and propped my elbow on the table and rested my head in my hand. We all knew that there was no other option and Brook was just being stubborn about it because there was nothing else we could do. I hated the plan just as much as she did, but there was no other option.

"There's just got to be another way," she said, throwing her arms in the air.

I sighed again and just shook my head. The girl could argue a lot when she wants to. 

"Plus, how are we supposed to get them out? We don't even know where they are! More than that, we don't even know if Luke and Steven are alive!" she said, her voice raising at the end.

I processed her words, even though I had thought it over again and again. What if Steven was dead? I couldn't afford to think of that, but it kept reoccurring in my mind. 

"I know that. However, if Luke and St-steven are dead, then there is nothing we can do," I said. I heard my own voice shake as I said it.

I looked down at the table, not really sure if I should make eye contact with Brook. I could feel her staring at me.

"Brook?" she questioned, almost whispering.

I didn't respond. I didn't need to respond. She knows that I don't get weekly updates on my boyfriend. She knows that Holly was one of the main thing that I lived for. She knew it all. I might as well assume that he is dead. I had failed at protecting both Holly and Steven.

"Brook, look at me please," she said softly.

I refused to look at her. There was nothing that she could do to make me feel better.


I studied my glass of water more intently.

"Brook," she said sternly.

My grip tightened on the glass. A scowl forming on my face.

"Brook look at me now!" she yelled.

"What good will it do if I look at you?" I growled.

"Brook, I swear, just fucking look at me god damn it!" she screamed.

The glass broke in my hand, sending shards across the table and water spilling everywhere.

"Brook! Oh my gosh! Are you okay? Brook? Brook! Answer me! Brook! Br..k! ..e .o. .k.y?"

I barley noticed that I was bleeding. Mac's voice was being drowned out. All I heard was the consistent ringing. I glanced at my hand which had multiple deeps cuts containing blood and glass. The combination of blood, glass, and water was all over the table. Nothing was hurting though. I couldn't even feel my hand when I moved it, but when I did, more blood escaped, cascading down my arm.

My head was suddenly pulled up by Calum's hands. I could tell he was yelling, but I could only hear the ringing. Slowly, I started to make out what he was saying.

"...n you hear me? Brook?" I could hear his voice now, but it seemed really distant. 

I nodded my head slowly. The ringing was starting to go away. My eyes wandered away, but Calum swiftly pulled me back into focus.

"'s wrong? Brook?"

My mouth seemed to be glued shut.

 "Brook?" Calum called.

He grabbed me by the shoulders and gently shook me. Everything was getting blurry and out of focus.

"D-don't. Just d-don't," I whispered.

Calum removed his hands slowly. I could barley make out his and Mac's figures. The ringing in my ears started to make my head hurt even worse than it had before, if that was even possible. Carefully, I tried to stand up. But, my knees gave out from under me as I tried to walk. Calum managed to catch me before I fell, and he picked me up. I was too tired to even try to fight against him.

He laid me down on the couch, and he left to get something. Mac sat next to me on the coffee table. She looked at me sadly, guilt crossed her face after a minute. Calum came back, bandages in hand along with a first aid kit. I looked at him, confusion written all over my face.

I faintly heard him sigh as he took my hand. I didn't even remember that my hand was bleeding. Calum carefully cleaned the cuts and got rid of the glass. It took so long I almost fell asleep. He then wrapped my hand up with gauze and bandages.

"What were you talking about?" asked Calum, his voice still sounded very distant and halfway slurred. I had trouble making it out.

"We were talking about the plan," she sighed.

"You brought it up or she brought it up?" Calum asked, waving a hand in my direction.

"She did. She said we need to go through with the plan, but I disagreed."

"Did you tell her about the backup plan?" he asked.

"God damn it Calum. She doesn't know about the backup plan," she whispered.

"Well, she deserves to know," he said, with sass. I almost smiled. Almost.

Calum turned to me.

"The backup plan was the plan that we were going to use to get Ashton and Holly out of their base before they died," said Calum.

"Calum! We said we wouldn't mention this to her! Even you said it wouldn't help anyone if we said it! Why would you tell her? She already doesn't want to do the plan and now you tell her the backup plan? I can't believe you!"

Calum pulled her out of my room, slamming the door behind them. I sighed and stared up at the ceiling. As much as I hated the plan, I knew the backup plan was never going to work. We can't afford to wait much longer. 

I could hear Mac and Calum yelling through the door, making my head hurt even more. Maybe I shouldn't have drank so much. But, if Steven is dead, it really doesn't matter. I'd rather be with him than here. And, there is a way to make that happen.

Slowly, I rolled off the couch and got onto my hands and knees. I crawled over to the table, searching for the bottle of pills. Not finding it there, I made my way to the kitchen. I searched through all of the lower cabinets, but found no pills. Damn Mac for knowing that I might do this. However, I always have some in my secret drawer, along with an extra knife. 

With shaking hands, I rummaged through the drawer, finding the bottle at the very back. I barley managed to open the bottle, pills falling everywhere. I always kept a standard of 25 pills in each bottle. I grabbed five and shoved them in my mouth. I swallowed them and grabbed seven more. 

Just as I was about to put them in my mouth, Mac walked back through the door and saw me on the floor with the pills in my hand.

"Oh no."




Luv u gois heaps <333

Lizzy xX

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