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-Michael's PoV-

My head pounded. There is nothing I can do to stop them. Everything that they have done and are doing is to bait everyone to try and rescue me. I can't do anything about it. This was the second time they had come in today to give me my daily beating.

It always consisted of throwing me against the wall, punching my jaw, kicking me in the stomach, then leaving me on the floor to deal with the pain. Always in that order. I wouldn't be surprised if there was a permanent bruise on my face. I know at least one of my ribs has to be broken. There's just no way it can't be.

My ears started to ring, and I tilted my head back against the wall. Everything started to get to me and tears started to form in the corners of my eyes. I was chained to the floor with shackles around my wrists. There was no way of escaping. I had left Mac all alone with the baby. My baby. I have listened to the people in Imperial and they said that Calum had managed to escape, but even with that being a big positive, Luke was still somewhere in this hell hole and Ashton is dead. They could very well kill me too. I haven't eaten in two days. I think they want me to suffer, but there's no telling.

What's weird is that I swear that I get extra energy or something when I need it the most. It's weird. I don't even know where the energy comes from. Then I swear I see images of Mac. I think I'm going insane. You can now tell that she's pregnant, but still. There's no way that I can make up these images to the extent where I can see all the little details in the room.

The pain in my head increased and everything started to get blurry. I closed my eyes, hoping for the pain to subdue. Everything seemed to be getting distant as I started to lose focus. I slowly started to drift into a not so pleasant sleep.




-Luke's PoV-

 I shivered as the cool air blew into the room. I think that I am locked away in a basement, but I can't tell. All I know is that my feet are constantly blue from the cold. All they have is AC in this room, and it is already cold without the AC.

I don't even know how I got into this room. The last thing I remember was the plan to try and get Calum to escape. We knew that they were going to separate us and they ended up taking Calum and I from the room with Michael and Steven. 



-------------- Flashback -------------


 "You two are coming with us," said one of the people.

He grabbed me by the chains that secured my wrists and pulled me up from the chair before undoing the chains around my ankles that kept me tied to the floor. After he had finished, he stood up and gave my chains a hard jerk forward, causing me to stumble and fall. I heard laughter coming from outside the room. I winced as I felt blood run down my leg. All I was wearing was my underwear and a loose t-shirt. We had been stripped of our normal clothes after they had captured us.

He grabbed me by the shoulders and pulled me up. He pushed me forward and I almost fell again. More laughter could be heard, but I was in too much pain to do anything. I hadn't walked in at least a week, and they had given us minimal food.

The guys then proceeded to undo Calum from the floor. I glanced over at Michael and Steven. Steven had been given the least amount of food and clearly had lost the most weight. All they had clothed him in was his underwear. His cheek bones were prominent and you could now see his ribs. They hadn't done too much to Michael, but you could see the bags under his eyes. He never could sleep because of the constant worry of Mac. The normal light in his green eyes were gone. 

We really had no chance of escaping. We had absolutely no strength left. Yet, I had told them if we had managed to get a chance to get out of this room together, I would pretend to trip and fall down and give the other a time to try and escape. They had gags in their mouths then so I did all the talking, but they nodded their heads in agreement. The hand cuffs on Calum had gotten loose too, and he had shown us that he could now slip them right off his wrists.

I looked back over at Calum. He noticed what I was thinking and he nodded. Calum had always been the best at combat and escape, so I figured he would have the best chance at escaping.

They guy pushed me out into the hallway, the bright light blinding me for a while.

"Walk," he commanded Calum and I.

Another person had taken Calum's chains while he held mine. I glanced over at Calum to see him waiting for me to make my move. I glanced around the hallway that we were walking in, hoping to see a way out for Calum. I spotted an upcoming window and nodded slightly in that direction. Calum followed my gaze and nodded. Right before we reached the window, I collapsed on the spot.

I grabbed hold of the guy's legs so that Calum only had to deal with his guy. Threats were thrown and there was lots of swearing. I head the guy call for help. The guy that I was holding struggled to detach me from him. I couldn't look to see if Calum had gotten loose or not. I heard footsteps of people running our direction. I heard more yelling and a couple grunts. Calum yelled and heard someone fall to the ground right before their backup got to us.

I lost my grip on the guys legs and his foot kicked me in the face. I heard the sound of glass shattering before everything went black.



-------------- End of Flashback --------------



I could only assume that Calum had escaped because they wouldn't have broken the window if he hadn't. It would be a miracle of he did. I don't know how he would have done it though. We hadn't eaten that day and we had been sitting for a good week, chained to the floor. However, if he did escape, I hope he comes up with a plan to destroy Imperial soon.

I have lost a tremendous amount of weight. My legs have gotten skinnier, if that is even possible, my ribs are prominent and my hips show. My lips are always chapped and my hair is too long.

I don't even know how it is possible, but I have gone five days without food and water. I don't know how it happened, but I got this flow of sustenance. It was unusual, and halfway scary. I should have died, but somehow, I didn't. It was some sort of miracle.

I just hope Calum can get us out soon. I'm not sure that little miracle will happen again.

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