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-Holly's PoV-

Well damn. Why does it have to hurt so bad to come crashing down to Earth? Like, be real, even if it is for only two seconds. Why can they fly and do all these magical things and not allow us a soft landing? Granted, I landed on top of Ashton so I didn't get hurt, but still! Ashton shouldn't have to get thrown on the ground then have me land on top of him! Worse than that, I kneed him in the crotch too! Don't even get me started on the fact that we landed in who knows the fuck where. Just so you know, we landed somewhere in the middle of a very busy street.

So fast forward to after the crash landing: we have been walking through the woods for nearly an hour and we are getting no where. Oh did I forget to mention that we also can't go through things? I literally kicked a puppy and it couldn't see me! Screw this shit.

Angels can:

1. Fly

2. Dissipate

3. Glow (I know it sounds stupid, but it's actually really cool.)

4. Magically lift things

5. See everyone on Earth

6. Manage to look perfect 24/7

7. Not get hurt

And then there's Ashton and I.

We can:

1. Fall

2. Run into things

3. Look really pale

4. Not do anything magical

5. Not see anyone at all until we find them

6. Look like we just fell shit and got run over by a car

7. Get severely hurt but manage to not die

I will say though, there is technically an eighth thing.

8. We don't need to breathe oxygen

Not sure if this will be important, but I guess it's special. I'm starting to question how much fun I will have being an angel. 

I was so caught up in my thoughts that I totally did not see the car right in front of me.

"Well fuck it," I groaned as pain shot up my knee.

"Hey babe? Watch out for the car!" called Ashton, laughing at me.

"Haha. Thanks for the warning!" I yelled back at him.

He waited for me to catch back up before we continued walking down the street. I had never seen this city before and we couldn't ask for directions. It really sucks when no one can see or hear you. I accidentally broke a window to a car. I wasn't really sure what to do about it though.

Ashton and my hand laced together as we walked further and further out of the city. Hopefully the heavens were being nice and sent us close to where we wanted to go. (We all know that things never go the way I plan them, more or less in a helpful way.)

"What do you think they are doing right now?" asked Ashton.

I shrugged. I really did not know what they were doing. Yes, we watched them very closly and almost constantly, but I was not sure what they were doing at the moment.

"Probably something illegal," I said.

"Oh, I don't doubt that," said Ashton.

I smirked.

"Alive" (Sequel to Chances)Where stories live. Discover now