1. Arrived On Time

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It was morning when we finally opened our eyes, my father Rhett did the last bit of driving to our destination. He pulls up to a trailer at the beginning of the park, I had my eyes half open as my beanie was tucked down towards most of my face I spotted a old lady walk out the door. "Hello you must be the McLaughlin family! My name is Barbara Lahey, welcome to Sunnyvale." I yawned thinking to myself "Literally who is that cheerful at 7am?" I could feel my head swaying before I could doze off and hit the window again, dad gave the papers and keys to my mother as he drove us to the new Trailer that got placed 2 hours earlier, it was a navy blue trailer with white porch paneling which didn't look too bad.

"Wakey, Wakey you two!" My father shouted, it was time to go inside and check out the place. Stepping out I stretched as I looked like a complete bum wearing black sweatpants & a crop top with my black beanie, taking a drink of my Pepsi I widen my eyes looking around the park, just as I suspected it's a park. Being as early as it was my parents didn't like to interrupt people's sleep by us loudly moving stuff in so we all drove back down to Barbara's trailer for coffee an brunch.

"It's an absolute pleasure to have a well if I must say mannered looking family move into our park, hopefully the children can make some friend's although we do have people you have to look out for that are quote on quote troubled." Barbara said as she took the bacon off the stove, I looked at her with the stink eye and replied "I'm no kid, I'm 20" when I did my mother looked at me as if she wanted to smack me.

"Apologies Mrs.Lahey they been asleep most the ride here so they're cranky." My mother Lana stared, as much as the meal looked absolutely appetizing an smelled divine I didn't accept any of it because I'm not the type to eat from a happy old lady I never met a day in my life till now, my father on the other hand looking like he hasn't touched a meal in weeks!

After creepily looking at all of us and asking about our personal life for an hour Barbara finally looked at me "Miss. McLaughlin what do you do?" In my head I thought of walking out without a word but I knew my family was looking at me, leave it to me to end up being the troubled one. I turned to her as I took a sip of my drink and said "I'm 20 I'm famous on a video game an my job involved playing with Moonshine all day as I let loose with my gang." She looked at me with an quick grin an a look that could kill "Well sounds like you would fit in with a group around here real well but don't be surprised they go to jail everyday over stupid stuff and fight with my ex husband Jim Lahey, he's the supervisor for the park."

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