3. A Week Past

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Working on projects for FourthLife and trying to keep my relationship between my boyfriend and friends was hard I hustled everyday from sleep to online, I didn't look the best since I was restless. My mother comes in and speaks to me stating how I really should go explore the Park and stay off the computer for awhile, she doesn't understand how hard it is for me and my anxiety to just openly find new friendships I don't want.

"I will do that in a few once I finish this edit for the ambassadors ma." I said, later I gathered an outfit together an took a shower now wearing dark ripped jeans, a black and white tie dye shirt with barbed wire an roses on it, my black an white van shoes, an of course my black beanie that is complete by my long straight black hair. Putting on some perfume and did my makeup inspired by one of my favorite makeup guru's Jeffree Star I walked outside. The air smelled like a full on trailer park, drugs, weed, continuous fighting neighborhood, absolute lovely.

Looking down at my phone texting Nick as I was walking I herd guys yell which is casual for me, men are such fools anymore in this age you overlook it. "Look at that boys, some city slicker" I'm usually quick to loose my patience especially on men, after watching many episodes of First 48 you'd think I'd know not to wake up to a group of men. I casually walked up to the guy wearing a tight black shirt first putting my hand out "My names Katya, family and I just moved here about a week ago." He shook my hand calmly introducing himself as "Julian" that's a cute name I would of never thought of. He then introduces his buddy in the tracksuit as "Ricky" and the guy wearing a tucked in plaid shirt and thick glasses was "Bubbles" He kept looking at me awkwardly wide eyed blinking, I focused on Ricky as he continued to be an irrelevant smartass luckily for him I'm capable of dealing with my brother so his attitude couldn't compare.

"Kat-yah... K..Kat...." I looked at Ricky an said "It's Ka.... Tie..... A ...... Katya get it right bud" he threw his hands up an looked shocked "alright then whatever alien species you are, do you sell or smoke dope how useful are you?" I looked at him and laughed rolling my eyes "Ricky!" Bubbles quickly stated telling me he wasn't right in the head to ignore him.

Ricky passed me a blunt which was beyond tempting but I didn't know the dude and also germs, yikes. As I passed on the offer he looked at me "Oh? A goody good yeah run along now and go find some other people to hang with I have a daughter name Trinity go babysit her." I looked at him and yelled out the biggest "Ha!" Rolling my eyes I turned to Julian and Bubbles telling them I'd catch them later as I walked away on my phone.

Texting my other Best Friend Mel the news and to also tell her I was ready to punch a bitch aka Ricky we laughed it off, she's always been my fighting buddy to hype me up in situations. As I walk by I see a shed on the side of the road CT Convenience, being nosey as usual I walk up to it to see a red headed girl standing there by herself.

"Hello, what can I get you today." She asked, I looked around confused telling her how we recently moved here, she told me about the store and how it belong to 2 boys named Cory & Trevor who was out doing a job for Julian & Ricky. The girl seemed really sweet introducing her name as Sarah, she handed me a Pepsi and said it was on the house since I'm new.

We set down an got to know each other, for once did I actually make some kinda friend in Sunnyvale?

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