14. What Are You Doing?!

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Weeks upon weeks past and I would get Skype calls daily but never answered I even got my job back with my best friends and Life felt on track again as if the whole move to Canada was a dream , do I feel like a piece of shit for abandoning Sunnyvale and everybody in it? Of course I do, life just roles and the way it goes. Never do I want to find love for a long time after this roller coaster for once I need to focus on me although Aaron moved back with his gang an life this is a life lesson for me and I'm happy for him he got a job finally at FourthLife, I feel like I'm to mature to play so I let him be happy.

My father Rhett has been focused on work and house renovations to help with the grief, thankfully we all found our peace at mind as mother would have wanted but I can't ever let go the feeling of knowing last time she had a one on one was with her children fighting at each other.

It was a busy Thursday afternoon being summer time we had a lot of tourist in the shop because the Moonshine we make is from a TV show "Moonshiners" we was so busy even children was running amongst the shop that we couldn't control!Pigeon Forge  is pretty much the funnest place on earth no matter what anybody says besides going downtown to Dollywood which is also awesome.

The best part of work is meeting the people who act like we get to meet the celebrity moonshiners which is rarely so giving them a good story really pumps them up. As I was stocking the shelf's laughing with Jessy about the time we first met each other and how we automatically got in a fight I suddenly herd "Excuse Me" as Jessy and my back was turn we looked at each other before turning around fully.

"If it isn't Bitch Tits boys! Look she dyed her hair red."

"Holy Liquor!"

The voices I knew all familiar to turn around and see Ricky, Julian, and Bubbles but last but not least Cory.  I wanted to throw up automatically and cry at the same time but I could only look at Jess in shock, "W-What are y'all doing all the way here...." I said stunned as Jessy stood there confused "Holy shit Kat that's yah ol boy? Right on!"

Cory definitely got more .... muscular then last time I seen him from being scrawny, I couldn't breathe and had a moment of blacking out pretty much the same reaction as if someone who stood up to quickly.

"Cory ... I..I'm so fucking sorry dude..."

Seeing him looking at me sad and angry hurt my soul, he didn't deserve it afterall. Julian looked at me an explained I pretty much owed them money an time due to the fact they searched for me since Cory wouldn't stop going on about me and I have to owe back bail money. Jessy slowly backed away an started stocking the rest for me telling me I should go on break, the boys left me an Cory alone standing as they got amazed by all the cool drinks we served.

"You seriously left me dude, I waited and waited because you said you'd come back to explain and you didn't!"

As he continued to yell at me it felt like Nick yelling at me all over which Nick was looking out the corner of his eye at us fighting. Never really having a relationship I understand Cory is upset an hurt I was his first official love besides being a piece of ass and I hurt him. Walking out of work we continued a bit further more down the street to a bench, I put down my sunglasses because I didn't want to make it look like I'm crying but the 110 degree sun was killing me.

" Cory it was never my intention to up and leave the whole story is pretty much self explanatory, my mother died & had a funeral everything here, but Sarah been using J-Roc's Skype an told me everything about y'all jail and everything. Loosing myself and who I was it wasn't easy and believe me as I had you in my mind the whole entire time I wanted to come back but I can only do so much. "

He looked at me confused, I honestly should've expected it he doesn't think as much as he should but come to think of it he managed to get everybody out of Canada just to find me and for once I felt important again!

"Weed...Hash...Smokes..... Anybody got any!?" I quickly looked down as Ricky was looking for drugs publicly downtown which was embarrassing. Finally Bubbles and Julian sported us on the bench as we let our feelings out "So you two kiss make up yet or did we waste our time coming here? Also money let's go Katya." Boy he seemed a bit more moody then usual, I hopped the fence over to the ATM machine to pull out $2000 telling him that's as much as I had he politely took it so Ricky couldn't see.

"I know this is short notice but please please please move back to the Park with me? With us?" He was legitimately on his knees begging which I didn't know what to do at this point as I looked over and saw Jessy who smirked and shrugged her shoulders. This was a thought I couldn't shake as I literally said I wasn't dating anymore and to focus on myself.

"No fucking dope no fucking smokes and they call this Smokey mountains for what?! Make your mind up dumdum because we leave tomorrow!"

To deal with Rickys mouth if I moved back? Questionable.....

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 14, 2020 ⏰

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