13. Rest Easy

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The surrounding of tears as we was entering the funeral home a few days later was depressing and having people hug me an say they felt sorry for me nearly killed my soul, it wasn't in my spirit but I had my best friends with me. Once again I had my phone go off and this Jamie person was calling again, this is the wrong place and the wrong time but I couldn't get the time to be alone so I ran upstairs to the casket showroom and had the girls guard the stairway so I could answer.

"Ma faka it's about damn time!"

"Katya oh my god!"

"Thank god you are okay"

It was some of the gang back in Canada, little did I know J-Roc's name was Jamie, oops. It was Sarah, Bubbles & J-Roc asking me a million questions as much as I'd like to answer them I didn't have the time "I'll explain everything later but for now I'm attending my mothers funeral have a little respect ma faka."  I hung the phone up an quickly walked back downstairs.

In honoring my mothers life they played a song "Every Part Of Me by Hannah Montana" she loved that song and growing up we would sing it when I had my phase of loving Miley Cyrus. Sitting there as everybody around me cried as I listened to the lyrics it began to get to me.....

" So many open roads
But they never lead me home
And now i just don't know
Who i really am"

Uncontrollable tears began to fall down my cheeks, my heart shattered in 50 million pieces, so that's it this is what it feels like to no longer have a parent? You'll never be too old to live without your parent's and it's a life lesson well learned my voice jitters as I quietly say "mom..." I just wanted to be curled in Cory's arms so bad to cry an have his comfort and everybody's idiocy to make me laugh.

Bright side is we got the limo ride to the cemetery, I was an emotionless fool as I couldn't hear anything it was all a blur the rest of the evening. At this point do I even want to go back to Canada? Owing everybody the biggest explanation and the fact I kissed Cory and left knowing he's an idiot but he has a heart. Staying at aunt Mindys cabins she would usually rent out during the summer I walked upstairs where there was a multi arcade and a couch to chill on, I was alone while everybody else was out with other family members.

"Hmm Xbox... Call of Duty" a bit of gaming alone to clear my mind definitely is much needed until.......

"Incoming Call : Jamie "

The Skype call was starting to get annoying but thankfully it was him and Sarah. Answering the phone I looked like I haven't slept in years with my eyes puffy and black from crying and stress we chatted for a few forgetfully I had J-Roc's Savage SnapBack on and he realized "Ma faka I want my hat back you know what I'm sayin?" I rolled my eyes telling him how he shouldn't of left it at the trailer to begin with then Sarah budded in.

"As much as I wanted to let you not worry Katya I have to say every since you left all of the guys been staying in jail and that includes Cory because of Ricky and Julians mistakes and the bail isn't cheap."

Giving the biggest fake smile my only reply was "Thanks Sarah" and I hung up the phone, what can I do at this point. Sounds fair enough that my choice is made to stay here in Tennessee also to be close to my mother's grave.

Cory will find love again or focus on himself..... I hope.

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